Water Restrictions

The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.

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Agency name:
Liverpool Plains Shire Council
Web address:
Description summary:

Permanent Water Conservation Measures are always in place when there are no actual water restrictions.

Use of sprinklers, sprays, microsprays and fixed hoses is not recommended during the heat of the day, which means watering should take place between 5pm to 9am Eastern Standard Time and 6pm to 8am Daylight Saving Time.

Hand-held hoses with trigger nozzles, and buckets or watering cans, may used for watering of lawns, gardens and vehicle-washing at any time.

Trigger nozzles must be used on all hoses to help conserve supplies and avoid waste.

No washdown of hard surfaces unless using a high-pressure cleaner.