Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program Portal


The Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program (PASAP) Portal provides seasonal forecasts from the couple dynamical GCM, POAMA. Gridded forecasts are presented using a navigable map overlain with geospatial information. Point foecasts for selected meteorological stations are also available, along with seasonal forecasts of large scale climate drivers such as ENSO.

Project background

Under the International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (ICCAI) Australia is providing assistance to vulnerable countries in the Asia-Pacific region to meet high priority climate change adaptation needs. One of the ICCAI project components – strategic planning and vulnerability assessment – is delivered through the Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program (PASAP). This program aids partner countries with assessing key climate vulnerabilities and risks, formulating appropriate adaptation strategies and plans, and mainstreaming adaptation into decision making.

Project objectives

PASAP aims to strengthen the capacity of Pacific island countries and Timor Leste to assess their vulnerabilities to climate change through the provision of information, tools and training, and to incorporate climate change adaptation into planning and development strategies.

PASAP acknowledges that seasonal and inter-annual climate variability is a major factor in determining the vulnerability of many Pacific Island countries to climate change. The program also recognises the need to improve seasonal climate prediction capabilities beyond what is currently available from statistical models.

  • Statistical models cannot account for aspects of climate variability and change that are not represented in the historical record.
  • Dynamical physics-based models implicitly include the effects of a changing climate whatever its character or cause.

At present, the Pacific Islands Climate Prediction Project project uses statistical models for seasonal outlooks. Through PASAP, seasonal outlooks are based on the current Predictive Ocean-Atmosphere Model for Australia (POAMA). Dynamical models such as POAMA start with the latest ocean, atmosphere and land surface states and progress them forward in time in accordance with the physics of the earth system, such that the effects of both seasonal climate variability and slower background changes in climate are combined in the generation of a seasonal forecast. The transition from a statistical to a dynamical prediction system will ultimately provide more valuable and applicable climate information to a wide range of climate sensitive sectors throughout the countries of the Pacific region targeted by PASAP.

PASAP login


Documentation for the PASAP Portal is contained within the PASAP Portal User Manual. This manual includes: (Part 1) A guide to using the PASAP Portal, featuring examples of how to select, display and download the various forms of seasonal forecasts; (Part 2) A description of the seasonal outlook products and their generation processes along with details regarding the skill score that are shown and the observational data used for comparison.

Further information

Other useful and relevent websites are linked below.

Pacific Climate Change Science Program:

ENSO information: