Wednesday, 3 January 2007 - Monthly Climate Summary for Queensland - Product code IDCKGC14R0

Queensland in December 2006


Rainfall was mixed across the state during December, with above average totals in parts of the southwest, west and Upper Capentaria while it remained drier in parts of the north, central and southern Queensland. Temperatures were generally cooler across the state with record low daytime temperatures recorded in many parts at the end of the month. 


December rainfall totals were below average over Cape York Peninsula, the northwest and parts of the northern Goldfields, central and southern Queensland. Some parts of the southwest and west and Upper Carpentaria received above average rainfall. Elsewhere rainfall totals did not vary significantly from average. See maps of total rainfall and rainfall deciles. A number of places in the southeast and Maranoa recieved their lowest December rainfall totals on record. These include Moreton telegraph station with 7.4 mm (average 195.8, 95 years of record) and Moogerah Dam with 7.4 mm (average 121.3, 81 years of record). A listing of new rainfall records appears below.

The highest recorded rainfall in the state was 897 mm at Bellenden Ker Top Station followed by 508.8 mm at Babinda Post Office. 


Daytime maximum temperatures were generally cooler across the state, apart from som warmer pockets on Cape York Peninsula the northwest Gulf  and Upper Carpentaria. Overnight minimum temperatures were well below average in the Wide Bay, Burnett and Southeast of the state while warmer nights were recorded in the southern interior and parts of the southwest. Elsewhere minimum temperatures were within a degree of average.  See maps off maximum temperature anomalies and minimum temperature anomalies.

A hot spell during late November and early December brought the highest December maximum temperature on record at Mt Isa, while the highest temperatures for any month were recorded at Winton and Palmerville.  The highest temperature recorded in the state was  46.9°C at Cloncurry Airport on the 1st.

A surface cold front and cloud cover  associated with an upper trough combined to bring record low December maximum temperatures to many parts of central and southern Queensland between the 25th and 27th.  The coldest daytime maximum recorded in the state was 16.4°C at Injune Post Office on the 26th. A listing of new temperature records appears below.

Further information

Qld Climate Services Centre
Bureau of Meteorology
Phone (07) 3239 8700


Hottest day
Highest temperature
46.9°C at Cloncurry Airport on the 1st
46.9°C at Winton Airport on the 1st
Warmest days on average
Highest mean daily maximum temperature
39.1°C at Julia Creek Airport
Coolest days on average
Lowest mean daily maximum temperature
24.0°C at Maleny Tamarind St
Coldest day
Lowest daily maximum temperature
16.4°C at Injune Post Office on the 26th
Coldest night
Lowest temperature
7.6°C at Applethorpe on the 29th
Coolest nights on average
Lowest mean daily minimum temperature
12.5°C at Applethorpe
Warmest nights on average
Highest mean daily minimum temperature
26.5°C at Sweers Island
26.4°C at Normanton Airport
Warmest night
Highest daily minimum temperature
33.0°C at Bedourie Police Station on the 1st
Wettest overall
Highest total rainfall
897 mm at Bellenden Ker Top Station
Wettest day
Highest daily rainfall
136.0 mm at The Boulders TM on the 11th


Record lowest total December rainfall
Total rainfall
for December 2006 (mm)
Previous lowest
for December
Normal for
Years of
Moreton Telegraph Station 7.4 18.3 in 1899 195.8 95
Moogerah Dam 7.4 11.2 in 1938 121.3 81
The Head 27.4 46.6 in 2005 126.1 49
Namarah 3.2 11.6 in 1986 68.8 41
Westmoreland Station 13.6 19.6 in 2002 154.4 40
Tipton Bridge 14.8 22.0 in 1976 98.7 35
Maroon Dam 22.0 40.7 in 1986 132.2 34
Oakington 38.8 4.7 in 1979 79.6 31

Record highest December temperature
Highest temperature
in December 2006 (°C)
Previous highest
for December
Normal for
Years of
Winton Post Office 46.8 on the 1st 45.6 on the 12th in 1979 38.2 49
Palmerville 43.2 on the 5th 42.0 on the 2nd in 1992 35.3 46
Mount Isa Aero 45.1 on the 1st 44.1 on the 22nd in 1990 37.1 40

Record lowest December daily maximum temperature
Lowest daily maximum
in December 2006 (°C)
Previous lowest
for December
Normal for
Years of
Gayndah Post Office 20.0 on the 27th 21.1 on the 29th in 1907 32.8 113
Rockhampton Aero 21.1 on the 27th 22.4 on the 19th in 1943 32.1 67
Amberley AMO 19.3 on the 27th 19.8 on the 6th in 1960 30.9 65
Gladstone Radar 20.6 on the 27th 22.1 on the 9th in 1993 31.0 49
Maryborough 21.1 on the 27th 21.7 on the 6th in 1960 30.6 48
Taroom Post Office 18.9 on the 27th 21.7 on the 29th in 1962 33.5 48
Urandangi 21.7 on the 26th 24.4 on the 23rd in 1969 38.8 47
St Lawrence Post Office 20.9 on the 27th 23.5 on the 22nd in 1977 31.6 45
Double Island Point Lighthouse 21.1 on the 27th 21.3 on the 4th in 1983 27.2 43
Barcaldine Post Office 20.0 on the 27th 20.2 on the 22nd in 1962 35.8 42
Clermont Sirius St 20.0 on the 27th 21.2 on the 22nd in 1977 34.9 42
Mount Isa Aero 20.4 on the 26th 23.0 on the 21st in 1976 37.1 40
University of Queensland Gatton 19.0 on the 27th 20.2 on the 27th in 1999 31.4 40
Longreach Aero 20.7 on the 27th 22.7 on the 27th in 2000 37.5 39
Brigalow Research Stn 19.4 on the 27th 23.0 on the 28th in 2000 33.2 38
Baralaba Post Office 20.4 on the 27th 22.7 on the 17th in 2001 34.2 37
Gympie 19.6 on the 27th 20.7 on the 8th in 1967 31.3 35
Injune Post Office 16.4 on the 26th 20.4 on the 9th in 1993 33.3 34
Windorah Post Office 21.0 on the 25th 21.7 on the 26th in 1999 37.7 34
Oakey Aero 17.6 on the 26th 17.9 on the 27th in 1999 30.3 32
Springsure Dame St 19.6 on the 27th 21.9 on the 28th in 2000 34.3 32
Monto Township 18.5 on the 27th 21.0 on the 17th in 1988 32.1 31
Archerfield Airport 19.4 on the 27th 19.6 on the 1st in 1986 29.6 30

Record lowest December mean daily minimum temperature
Mean daily minimum
for December 2006 (°C)
Previous lowest
for December
Normal for
Years of
Brian Pastures 17.2 17.4 in 1983 19.4 36


 In the following table, certain key sites have been highlighted to make them easier to identify.

Summary statistics for December 2006
Maximum temperatures
for December
Minimum temperatures
for December
for December
Mean for
Highest for
Mean for
Lowest for
Total for
Rank of
Fraction of
North Peninsula (district 27)
Coconut Island 34.0 35.5 31st 25.7 24.0 1st 62.6
Coen Airport 34.5 38.3 5th 23.6 18.9 1st 1.6
Horn Island 32.3 33.5 27th 26.1 23.9 7th 61.6
Scherger RAAF 36.2 38.7 2nd 23.7 22.2 18th 23.4
Weipa Aero 36.0 37.9 28th 23.7 21.3 21st 81.0
South Peninsula (district 28)
Lockhart River Airport 32.2 0 35.8 4th 24.6 +1.1 19.8 1st 39.2 208.8 very low 19%
Musgrave 35.5 +0.8 38.4 1st 21.9 −0.7 17.4 17th 150.4 178.5 normal 84%
Palmerville 38.2 +2.9 43.2 5th 23.9 +1.3 17.7 21st 69.2 156.2 low 44%
Lower Carpentaria (district 29)
Burketown Airport 36.4 41.3 4th 25.3 21.5 7th 9.6
Burketown Post Office 34.9 −0.5 40.0 3rd 25.2 +0.4 21.7 7th 20.6 116.7 very low 18%
Century Mine 39.0 44.2 1st 24.9 20.1 8th 53.6
Cloncurry Airport 38.8 46.9 1st 24.8 17.1 27th 4.4
Croydon Township 37.2 −0.2 40.6 1st 25.5 +0.9 19.6 8th 110.6 113.0 normal 98%
Julia Creek Airport 39.1 45.8 1st 24.1 17.1 27th 6.8
Kowanyama Airport 36.4 +1.6 37.7 26th 24.7 +0.5 21.9 21st 94.0 169.1 low 56%
Mornington Island 33.8 +0.6 38.0 4th 26.3 +0.1 22.3 31st 78.4 155.2 low 51%
Mount Isa Aero 37.4 +0.4 45.1 1st 22.9 −0.1 15.3 27th 18.6 70.7 low 26%
Normanton Airport 37.3 39.9 3rd 26.4 21.6 7th 35.0
Sweers Island 33.8 37.0 4th 26.5 22.5 31st 113.4
Toorak Research Station 40.0 +1.3 46.5 1st 23.7 +1.0 16.5 27th 4.2 60.4 very low 7%
Upper Carpentaria (district 30)
Georgetown Airport 36.1 41.2 1st 23.3 19.4 16th 185.6
Georgetown Post Office 37.4 +1.4 41.5 1st 22.9 +0.1 19.0 16th 161.1 128.8 high 125%
Hughenden Airport 35.6 43.9 1st 23.0 19.7 7th 61.2
Richmond Airport 38.4 45.0 1st 23.4 18.9 27th 16.0
Richmond Post Office 37.7 −0.4 44.8 1st 23.8 +1.4 18.8 27th 23.0 70.0 low 33%
Barron North Coast (district 31)
Atherton Shire Council 27.9 31.5 3rd 17.9 15.0 1st 84.3
Cairns Aero 30.8 −0.5 33.0 1st 23.3 −0.1 21.5 16th 94.6 177.8 normal 53%
Cape Flattery 31.8 33.1 2nd 25.0 22.5 1st 30.2
Cooktown Airport 31.5 33.2 10th 24.8 22.8 10th 49.4
Green Island 30.7 33.5 1st 24.8 22.4 8th
Kairi Research Station 27.6 −1.2 30.7 1st 18.0 −0.5 13.9 24th 113.3 133.4 normal 85%
Low Isles Lighthouse 32.3 0 35.0 4th 24.8 −0.5 22.3 8th 85.8 204.7 normal 42%
Mareeba Airport 30.8 33.7 1st 20.4 16.6 20th 64.4
Walkamin DPI 29.7 −0.9 33.3 1st 19.6 −0.1 17.0 16th 12.4 118.3 very low 10%
Herbert North Coast (district 32)
Cardwell Marine Pde 29.9 −1.6 31.4 26th 22.7 +0.5 19.5 20th 186.6 193.6 normal 96%
Ingham Composite 30.9 −1.5 33.3 1st 21.5 −0.7 18.1 26th 103.0 197.6 normal 52%
Innisfail 29.5 −1.3 30.7 31st 22.9 +1.0 20.7 20th 363.8 263.7 high 138%
Lucinda Point 28.3 −1.4 30.1 31st 24.6 −0.6 22.1 10th 15.0 84.0 very low 18%
South Johnstone Exp Stn 29.9 −1.3 33.0 1st 22.0 +0.3 19.0 16th 315.0 252.8 high 125%
Townsville Aero 30.9 −0.6 33.1 27th 23.7 −0.3 20.9 10th 55.6 124.7 normal 45%
East Central Coast (district 33)
Alva Beach 29.6 31.0 27th 24.0 20.9 28th 62.8
Ayr DPI Research Stn 31.2 −0.8 33.3 26th 21.4 −0.6 17.5 20th 43.8 106.5 normal 41%
Bowen Airport 31.1 −0.1 32.4 26th 22.7 −0.8 18.5 20th 15.3
Collinsville Post Office 33.9 −0.1 38.9 17th 20.9 −0.4 16.9 20th 35.0 95.5 low 37%
Hamilton Island Airport 28.8 30.8 25th 23.4 20.3 28th 15.6
Mackay Aero 29.5 −1.2 32.1 26th 21.6 −0.5 18.4 28th 132.0 107.0 high 123%
Mackay M.O 29.1 −1.0 33.2 26th 22.4 −0.5 18.4 28th 89.2 179.8 low 50%
Proserpine Airport 31.0 35.6 26th 21.0 17.7 20th 52.0 168.9 low 31%
Samuel Hill Aero 28.9 33.4 26th 18.9 13.1 20th 93.0
St Lawrence 29.8 33.5 26th 21.0 17.2 27th 60.0
St Lawrence Post Office 30.2 −1.3 33.5 26th 21.0 −0.8 17.4 27th 55.8 122.0 low 46%
Te Kowai Exp Stn 29.5 −1.8 32.6 3rd 20.5 −0.4 16.8 20th 132.8 179.4 normal 74%
Williamson 30.3 33.5 26th 20.8 16.2 20th 28.4
Woolshed 28.0 30.9 26th 19.4 17.1 21st 50.2
Yeppoon The Esplanade 27.5 30.4 26th 22.4 18.8 27th 30.2
West Central Coast (district 34)
Charters Towers Airport 33.6 37.5 26th 21.1 18.0 20th 34.8
Moranbah Water Treatment Plant 32.4 −1.7 38.4 17th 20.4 −0.9 15.0 28th 53.4 97.3 low 55%
Central Highlands (district 35)
Blackwater Water Treatment Plant 34.6 37.0 15th 20.7 16.3 1st 19.5
Brigalow Research Stn 32.7 −0.5 38.5 16th 18.7 −1.1 13.6 1st 61.6 105.2 low 59%
Clermont Sirius St 32.9 −2.0 39.5 17th 19.9 −0.9 13.0 28th 56.6 91.9 normal 62%
Emerald Airport 32.3 37.7 16th 20.2 12.3 27th 137.2
Rolleston Meteor St 32.8 39.2 16th 19.0 8.9 29th 67.6 88.5 normal 76%
Springsure Dame St 32.1 −2.3 38.3 16th 19.3 −0.6 11.4 27th 62.0 89.1 normal 70%
Tambo Post Office 32.5 −2.4 40.2 1st 19.9 +0.8 13.1 27th 70.9 67.4 normal 105%
Taroom Post Office 32.7 −0.7 39.7 15th 18.9 −0.6 13.4 28th 50.9 88.7 low 57%
Central Lowlands (district 36)
Barcaldine Post Office 33.4 −2.3 41.0 1st 22.5 +0.3 15.2 27th 120.9 61.8 high 196%
Blackall Airport 33.2 41.5 1st 21.9 13.5 27th 92.4
Isisford Post Office 35.7 −1.4 44.7 1st 22.8 +0.9 14.5 27th 33.6 51.4 normal 65%
Longreach Aero 35.8 −1.8 45.7 1st 22.4 +0.3 14.5 27th 49.4 53.7 normal 92%
Upper Western (district 37)
Camooweal Township 38.3 +0.2 45.9 1st 24.5 +0.8 15.7 27th 52.6 59.1 normal 89%
The Monument Airport 37.9 46.5 1st 23.8 14.9 27th 30.6
Trepell Airport 38.2 46.0 1st 23.9 15.1 27th 11.0
Urandangi 38.0 −0.8 45.5 1st 23.5 +0.8 12.8 28th 36.0 39.2 high 92%
Winton Airport 37.4 46.9 1st 23.1 16.8 27th 24.2
Winton Post Office 37.4 −0.8 46.8 1st 23.6 +0.9 17.2 27th 25.3 50.0 normal 51%
Lower Western (district 38)
Bedourie Police Station 38.1 44.1 1st 23.5 13.0 28th 13.1 16.6 normal 79%
Birdsville Airport 37.8 44.3 14th 23.4 16.2 27th 22.4
Boulia Airport 37.8 −0.8 46.2 1st 24.5 +1.1 15.0 28th 32.4 31.8 high 102%
Windorah Post Office 37.0 −0.7 46.8 1st 23.5 +1.1 12.7 28th 39.0 29.4 high 133%
Port Curtis South Coast (district 39)
Baralaba Post Office 33.3 −0.9 39.2 16th 19.5 −0.7 14.0 27th 68.9 100.0 normal 69%
Bundaberg Aero 28.4 −1.0 32.5 26th 18.7 −1.8 16.3 19th 99.0 123.2 normal 80%
Gayndah Airport 30.8 36.6 16th 17.8 13.9 7th 78.8
Gayndah Post Office 30.9 −2.0 36.8 16th 17.8 −1.3 14.1 7th 87.6 104.6 normal 84%
Gladstone Airport 28.8 33.1 26th 20.8 18.0 29th 47.0
Gladstone Radar 30.8 −0.2 35.5 26th 20.6 −1.3 17.8 28th 56.0 126.5 low 44%
Heron Island Res Stn 28.5 −0.6 31.8 26th 22.5 −0.9 20.3 28th 41.4 91.3 low 45%
Lady Elliot Island 28.0 −0.5 30.0 26th 22.2 −1.0 19.8 28th 49.8 85.8 normal 58%
Monto Township 30.5 −1.6 37.0 15th 17.3 −1.0 13.2 7th 74.1 89.4 normal 83%
Rockhampton Aero 30.9 −1.2 37.9 16th 20.5 −0.7 16.9 27th 54.0 102.4 low 53%
Rundle Island 26.3 29.6 25th 22.7 20.4 8th
Sandy Cape Lighthouse 27.8 −1.1 30.4 11th 20.0 −1.7 17.8 28th 101.7 96.5 normal 105%
Thangool Airport 32.5 37.6 16th 17.8 13.1 20th 75.0 91.0 normal 82%
Town of 1770 27.6 −1.0 30.8 26th 21.0 −1.3 17.2 29th 79.0 131.9 low 60%
Moreton South Coast (district 40)
Amberley AMO 29.1 −1.8 35.2 25th 16.5 −1.9 11.4 7th 60.2 120.2 low 50%
Archerfield Airport 28.0 −1.6 32.8 25th 17.3 −1.7 12.9 29th 74.0 126.4 low 59%
Baroon Pocket Dam 26.3 32.9 17th 15.4 12.2 27th 107.8
Beerburrum Forest Station 28.1 33.6 25th 15.8 12.7 7th 50.4 155.8 low 32%
Brian Pastures 31.4 −0.9 37.0 16th 17.2 −2.2 10.5 23rd 72.4 102.2 normal 71%
Brisbane* 27.4 31.6 25th 18.7 15.3 29th 82.6 133.3 low 62%
Brisbane Aero* 26.6 29.8 25th 18.4 14.4 29th 76.0 126.2 low 60%
Cape Moreton Lighthouse 25.5 −0.5 28.1 13th 20.3 −0.7 16.9 27th 47.4 129.0 low 37%
Coolangatta 26.4 28.8 25th 17.9 13.5 7th 70.4 141.0 low 50%
Double Island Point Lighthouse 26.6 −0.6 29.5 16th 20.5 −1.1 16.2 27th 78.0 130.5 normal 60%
Gold Coast Seaway 27.8 31.6 12th 19.2 16.3 29th 67.4
Gympie 28.5 −2.8 35.2 15th 16.0 −2.5 10.9 24th 129.6 135.5 normal 96%
Hervey Bay Airport 28.4 31.2 12th 19.3 15.2 24th 103.2
Hinze Dam 27.0 33.2 26th 17.7 15.2 7th 73.4 153.5 low 48%
Jimna Forestry 26.2 32.7 15th 14.4 9.4 19th 91.0
Kingaroy Airport 28.4 36.4 15th 14.8 9.4 7th 98.8
Logan City Water Treatment 26.9 33.5 15th 17.9 14.2 29th 68.1
Maleny Tamarind St 24.0 30.6 15th 15.5 11.0 27th 125.0 195.7 normal 64%
Maroochydore Aero 26.5 29.9 25th 18.1 13.5 24th 126.0
Maryborough 28.4 −2.2 32.4 16th 17.9 −1.7 14.8 24th 73.4 126.8 low 58%
Nambour DPI 26.9 −2.3 33.6 15th 16.3 −1.8 12.1 24th 83.4 175.2 low 48%
Point Lookout 26.7 28.4 24th 20.4 15.8 27th 80.8
Rainbow Beach 26.2 29.0 16th 20.1 14.4 24th 72.5
Redcliffe 26.3 30.0 25th 19.1 15.9 29th 62.8
Redlands HRS 27.2 −1.0 29.2 17th 16.7 −2.0 12.5 19th 52.1 132.1 low 39%
Tewantin RSL Park 25.7 29.1 25th 18.7 14.4 27th 100.2
Toolara 29.2 34.4 25th 17.9 14.5 27th 82.8
University of Queensland Gatton 29.8 −1.5 35.8 15th 15.8 −2.3 10.0 7th 59.4 98.5 low 60%
East Darling Downs (district 41)
Applethorpe 24.8 −1.0 30.0 24th 12.5 −1.2 7.6 29th 39.8 93.8 very low 42%
Dalby Airport 31.5 36.8 15th 16.0 12.8 19th 58.0
Goondiwindi Airport 32.5 38.2 15th 18.6 13.6 27th 12.4
Inglewood Forest 31.5 35.8 14th 15.8 11.7 29th 16.6
Oakey Aero 28.6 −1.7 35.7 15th 15.8 −0.7 11.8 29th 32.6 93.7 very low 35%
Stanthorpe Leslie Parade 25.2 −2.0 31.9 24th 13.2 −1.0 9.2 29th 19.2 92.9 very low 21%
Texas Post Office 32.3 −0.6 36.5 12th 16.8 −0.4 12.5 18th 14.2 79.0 very low 18%
Toowoomba Airport 25.9 32.2 15th 14.7 12.1 27th 70.2
Warwick 28.1 32.2 23rd 13.8 8.8 29th 24.0
West Darling Downs (district 42)
Miles Constance Street 31.2 38.8 15th 17.9 12.8 27th 55.0
Maranoa (district 43)
Injune Post Office 31.2 −2.1 39.5 15th 18.7 +0.8 13.2 28th 73.2 86.9 normal 84%
Mitchell Post Office 33.0 −0.8 39.9 15th 19.9 +1.5 12.2 27th 43.8 65.3 normal 67%
Roma Airport 31.7 39.5 15th 19.7 12.8 27th 30.0 69.3 low 43%
St George Airport 33.2 39.3 15th 21.2 13.2 27th 13.2
Surat 32.4 −1.5 38.6 15th 19.9 +0.6 13.5 27th 25.4 69.5 low 37%
Warrego (district 44)
Bollon Mary St 34.8 −0.2 39.4 14th 22.0 +2.1 13.6 29th 25.0 50.1 normal 50%
Charleville Aero 33.6 −1.2 41.6 1st 21.6 +1.3 15.1 27th 57.0 51.9 high 110%
Cunnamulla Post Office 34.8 −0.4 41.8 2nd 22.0 +1.3 14.2 28th 34.0 38.5 normal 88%
Far Southwest (district 45)
Ballera Gas Field 37.1 43.9 14th 23.5 14.9 27th 10.0
Quilpie Airport 35.7 −0.7 44.6 1st 23.3 +1.0 13.6 28th 31.4 34.0 normal 92%
Thargomindah Airport 37.0 42.9 1st 24.4 16.4 28th 17.6


This statement has been prepared based on information available at 1 pm on Wednesday 3 January 2007. Some checks have been made on the data, but it is possible that results will change as new information becomes available.

Normals are long-term averages based on observations from all available years of record, which vary widely from site to site. They are not shown for sites with less than 20 years of record, as they cannot then be calculated reliably. *In this case, normals from a suitable nearby site may be included, if available (these are marked with an *).

The Rank indicates about where rainfall this time ranks in the climate record for the site.

Further information

Qld Climate Services Centre
Bureau of Meteorology
Phone (07) 3239 8700