Tasmanian Monthly Climate Summary: July 2006
A mixed bag of weather

Tuesday 1 August, 2006

In Brief

July 2006 brought some rain across Tasmania, and especially to the northeast corner, but many parts of the state had another relatively dry month. There were fewer frosty nights than in recent months, a few quite mild days and only a few especially cold days.


Plenty of rain in the northeast corner: There were several periods of moderate to heavy rain in the northeast highlands, notably around the 2nd, the 16th and the end of the month. Totals over 100 mm were common, with Mount Victoria registering 354 mm (only slightly less than the west coast's Mount Read). Gladstone, with 125 mm, had its wettest July since it received 137 mm in 1989, whilst Eddystone Point's 91 mm was its wettest July since 1993.

Another relatively dry month in the north, Midlands and Derwent Valley: Several parts of the state again had less rain than is usual for the time of year. Particularly affected were the Midlands and the Derwent Valley and the north (with the exception of the northeast). Bushy Park, with 20.8 mm, had its driest July since recording 17.0 mm in 1973. Although there were several rainy days through the month, and some rain fell in all areas, it was certainly not enough to remove the rainfall deficit that has been building in these areas over recent months. Several locations have had their driest-ever January to July. Hobart has had its driest January-to-July since 1984.

Some mild days, some cold days: There were a few relatively mild days during July, notably the 10th in the southeast and the 16th in the north (when both Marrawah and Wynyard set new records for highest July temperature). The main cold spells were the 11th and 12th (which saw snow below 500 metres in some areas), and on the 18th and 19th. Averaged across the month, maximum (Daytime) temperatures were above normal by about half a degree in most areas, but a little below normal in the far south and parts of the east coast. Grove had its lowest mean daily maximum temperature since 1995, and Dover its lowest since 1996.

Fewer frosty nights than recent months: Unlike May and June, most places had only a few spells of cold and frosty nights, mainly around the 3rd, the 12th, and the 19th to 23rd. These were mixed in with some relatively mild nights, especially the 8th to 11th, the 16th and the 27th. Averaged across the month, minimum (overnight) temperatures were above normal in the northeast half and below normal in southwest, typically by about half a degree.

Hobart's cold nights against a warming trend: Minimum (overnight) temperatures have been generally increasing in Hobart over the last few decades. Hobart's mean daily minimum temperature this July of 4.6°C was about 0.1°C above the average over the whole period of Hobart's record from 1882. But it was about 0.6°C below the average over the last 20 years, and the lowest for any July since 1995. In contrast, the mean daily minimum temperature in Hobart for July last year was 6.2°C, the highest since 1946. The relatively cold July 2006 and relatively warm July 2005 demonstrate the year-to-year variability is often much greater than any long-term change.
Bicheno, Bull Bay, and Dover also had their lowest mean daily minimum temperature for July since 1995.

Included in this summary are a table of extremes, some new records, and summaries for sites in Tasmania

Further information

Ian Barnes-Keoghan
Tasmania and Antarctica Climate Services Centre
Bureau of Meteorology
Phone (03) 6221 2043
Email climate.tas@bom.gov.au


Weather extremes during July 2006

Highest temperature
Hottest day
17.7 °C Wynyard Airport on 16th
Highest mean daily maximum temperature
Warmest days on average
14.0 °C Bicheno (Council Depot)
Lowest mean daily maximum temperature
Coolest days on average
2.9 °C Mount Wellington
Lowest daily maximum temperature
Coldest day
−2.5 °C Mount Wellington on 18th
Lowest temperature
Coldest night
−6.4 °C Mount Wellington on 12th
Lowest mean daily minimum temperature
Coldest nights on average
−1.9 °C Liawenee
Highest mean daily minimum temperature
Mildest nights on average
9.2 °C Hogan Island
Highest daily minimum
Warmest night
12.6 °C Flinders Island Airport on 16th
Highest total rainfall
Wettest overall
361.0 mm Mount Read
Lowest total rainfall
Driest overall
15.4 mm Tunbridge (Austin-Vale)
Highest daily rainfall
Wettest day
65.0 mm Mount Victoria on 2nd
Strongest wind gust131 km/h
Mount Wellington on 8th


Record Highest Temperature for July

Highest temperature
in July 2006 (°C)
Previous highest
for July
Years of
Marrawah 17.0
on 16th
on 27th in 1975
Wynyard Airport 17.7
on 16th
on 6th in 2003

January-to-July records

Record Lowest Total Rainfall for January to July

Total rainfall
for January to July 2006 (mm)
Previous lowest
for January to July
Years of
Ulverstone (Knights Road) 332.4 342.6
in 2005
Elliott Research Station 429.0 430.1
in 1934
Burnie (Round Hill) 268.6 340.1
in 2005
Fort Direction 139.7 165.4
in 1984
Devonport Airport 230.4 252.3
in 2005
Forthside Research Station 328.2 346.2
in 1997
Barrington Post Office 353.9 390.2
in 1967
Wynyard Airport 334.9 366.1
in 1959
Westbury (Birralee Road) 284.7 303.1
in 2002
Bull Bay (Lauriston) 212.0 212.4
in 1991
Risdon Vale (Poplar Road) 181.8 206.9
in 1968
Blackmans Bay Treatment Plant 184.2 205.2
in 1984
Tea Tree (The Point) 196.4 206.2
in 1994

Lowest Total Rainfall for at least 20 years for January to July

Total rainfall
for January to July 2006 (mm)
Most recent lower
for January to July
Premaydena Hatchery 313.2 230.7
in 1950
Bushy Park (Bushy Park Estates) 194.0 182.8
in 1967
Mole Creek 323.4 284.9
in 1967
Yolla (Sea View) 506.6 491.0
in 1967
Taroona (Taroona Crescent) 184.2 172.3
in 1979
Bothwell (Cluny) 180.4 162.2
in 1984
Hobart (Ellerslie Road) 208.2 176.8
in 1984
Hobart Airport 157.4 147.6
in 1984
Victoria Valley (Glenrowan) 314.8 306.2
in 1984
Mangalore (Mangalore Farm) 167.8 96.2
in 1984


Summary statistics for July 2006

Maximum temperatures
for July
Minimum temperatures
for July
for July
Mean for 2006 Difference from normal Highest for 2006 Mean for 2006 Difference from normal Lowest for 2006 Total for 2006 Normal total Ranking
Hobart 11.8 +0.2 16.5 4.6 +0.1 1.2 35 52 normal
Launceston 13.0 +0.5 15.9 2.7 +0.5 −2.4 62 79 normal
Burnie 13.4 +0.7 17.5 7.2 +1.4 1.9 62 128 low
13.1 +0.4 16.3 5.2 +0.6 −0.5 53 99 low
Swansea 13.5 +0.2 16.4 4.1 +0.5 −0.1 56 49 normal
12.2 −0.1 15.9 4.4 −0.9 −2.1 184 165 high
8.9 −0.1 12.6 2.5 −0.5 −2.0 264 270 normal
King Island Airport 12.8 −0.3 15.2 7.6 0 3.6 82 114 low
Flinders Island Airport 13.5 +0.2 15.7 6.9 +0.6 −1.7 74 85 normal
Bicheno 13.9 −0.1 16.6 5.4 −0.6 1.3 55 53 normal
Bridport 13.5 +0.2 15.8 6.1 +0.9 0.2 57

Bull Bay 12.1 −0.4 17.0 5.0 −1.0 0.8 50 57 normal
Bushy Park 12.0 +0.9 16.9 1.4 −0.2 −3.9 21 50 low
Campania 12.7
17.6 3.4
−2.5 22

Cape Bruny
11.4 +0.2 15.5 6.4 +0.3 4.1 70 96 low
Cape Grim
12.4 −0.2 15.4 7.8 −0.6 2.8 100

Cressy 12.1
15.6 1.5
−5.6 47

Dover 11.9 −0.5 16.1 3.0 −0.8 −0.9 85 87 normal
Eddystone Point 13.5 +0.4 15.3 7.6 +0.6 1.8 91 78 normal
Fingal 12.1 −0.1 14.7 0.8 +0.4 −4.2 39 56 normal
Friendly Beaches 13.2
16.1 5.4
0.8 81

Geeveston 11.5 −0.6 15.2 2.0 −0.3 −3.2 88 92 normal
Grove 11.6 −0.2 17.2 2.0 0 −2.1 42 74 low
Hartz Mountain 5.9
9.9 1.2
−2.8 120

Hobart Airport 12.8 +0.4 17.2 4.2 +0.2 −0.5 35 45 normal
Hogan Island 12.9
14.8 9.2
5.2 34

Lake Leake 8.2 −0.4 10.9 0.4 +0.2 −4.7 59 80 normal
Lake St Clair 7.6 +0.3 11.1 −0.7 −0.8 −5.7

Launceston Airport 12.0
15.4 2.5
−3.6 56

Launceston Airport (old site) 11.6 +0.7 14.5 2.6 +0.3 −3.0 64 78 normal
Liawenee 5.7
8.8 −1.9
−6.3 63

Low Head 12.8
15.7 6.9
2.0 38

Luncheon Hill 10.9
15.0 5.2
1.0 178

Maatsuyker Island
10.8 −0.1 13.9 7.1 +0.5 4.0 97 130 low
Macquarie Island 4.8 −0.1 7.4 1.1 −0.6 −2.8 107 72 very high
Maria Island 12.3
15.4 7.0
2.9 31

Marrawah 12.6 +0.3 17.0 6.9 +0.3 1.8 94 140 low
Maydena 10.3 −0.5 14.9 1.8 −0.6 −2.0 82

Melton Mowbray 11.2
15.5 1.4
−3.5 18

Moogara 8.8 +0.3 12.5 3.0 +0.8 0.0 47 79 very low
Mount Read 4.1
10.0 0.1
−4.3 361

Mount Wellington 2.8 +0.6 6.0 −1.3 +0.3 −6.4 101 79 normal
Orford 12.6 −0.5 15.7 4.1 +0.6 −1.0 53 60 normal
Ouse 11.5
16.6 0.6
−5.3 38

Powranna 11.7 +0.2 15.0 2.5 +0.5 −3.2 52

Ross 11.7 +0.5 14.6 1.2 −0.3 −4.3 36 42 normal
Scamander 13.7 −0.1 16.3 5.2 +0.8 1.0 74 56 normal
Scotts Peak Dam 9.1
14.2 2.8
0.1 179

Scottsdale 12.1 +0.1 15.0 4.7 +1.0 −2.5 115 124 normal
14.8 3.3
−2.8 89

17.6 5.2
−1.7 83

St Helens
15.3 5.0
−0.3 70

Swan Island 12.7
14.3 8.2
3.7 68

8.3 +0.1 12.6 0.3 −0.1 −3.2 118 117 normal
Tasman Island 10.4
13.8 6.4
2.4 56

Tunnack 9.2
12.1 1.5
−3.7 35

Warra 8.1
11.7 2.3
−1.1 182

13.0 +0.5 17.7 3.6 +0.2 −3.0 66 135 low


This statement has been prepared based on information available at noon on Tuesday 1 August 2006 . Although every effort has been made to check them, it is possible that results will change as new information becomes available.

"Normals" are based on all available years of record, which vary widely from site to site . Sites without normals shown do no have sufficient record for them to be calculated reliably.

The "Ranking" indicates about where rainfall this time ranks in the climate record for the site.

Further information

Ian Barnes-Keoghan
Tasmania and Antarctica Climate Services Centre
Bureau of Meteorology
Phone (03) 6221 2043
Email climate.tas@bom.gov.au