Downloadable Resources

Weather guide for marine outdoor adventure activities

This guide provides tips on using weather information to plan marine outdoor adventure activities (such as sea kayaking, fishing, and boating). It also provides a summary of relevant weather hazards and warnings.

How good is your source of marine weather information?

There are many marine weather apps and websites on the market but they are not all the same. This guide provides five checks to make sure your chosen marine weather app or website is providing you with all the information you need to make decisions around marine activities.

Marine safety graphics

This series of marine graphics provide a visual explanation of marine weather hazards such as waves, wind gusts, and thunderstorms. They are available under Creative Commons and we encourage you to download and share these important safety messages.

HF radio voice service – marine weather broadcast schedule

Download and print the broadcast schedule for the Bureau's HF radio voice service which is transmitted from Charleville (VMC) and Wiluna (VMW).

Marine Services Ready Reckoner

This document provides a summary of the Bureau's marine weather services including links to help you access them.



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