IDY10210 SECURITE High Seas Forecast for South Eastern METAREA 10 SOUTH EASTERN AREA: COAST AT 25S TO 25S170E TO 29S170E TO 45S160E TO 50S160E TO 50S129E TO COAST AT 129E Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology For 24 hours commencing 1100 UTC 10 February 2025 Part 1 Warnings Nil. Part 2 Situation at 0600 UTC Trough near 35S151E 40S151E 43S155E, forecast near 30S153E 34S152E 37S150E at 111200UTC. Part 3 Forecast Within 60nm of line 39S145E 42S154E: Easterly quarter winds 20/30 knots. Rough seas. Low to moderate swell. North of line 29S161E 28S169E: Easterly quarter winds 20/30 knots. Rough seas. Low to moderate swell. Remainder: Winds not exceeding 25 knots. Moderate to rough seas. Low to moderate swell. Rain areas, scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms mostly within 120nm of trough, heavy at times within .120nm of line 31S154E 36S153E. Visibility reducing below 2nm in precipitation. Please be aware Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. WEATHER MELBOURNE The next routine forecast will be issued at 20:00 UTC Monday.