Thermal Comfort Observations

WBGT and Apparent Temperature for Western Australia

Issued at 9.42 pm (WST) Tuesday 10 September 2024
About Thermal Comfort Observations | Related information from sports organisations
Station Name Observation
Wind (10m)
Dir Spd

WST °C °C°C°C % °C
Kimberley and Pilbara
Argyle 09:30 pm 30.6 -- 21.6 29.2 25 9.5 SSW 7
Barrow Island 09:30 pm 24.1 -- 22.5 23.6 80 20.8 W 24
Broome 09:30 pm 26.9 -- 25.8 30.3 90 24.7 WNW 15
Curtin 09:30 pm 28.2 -- 23.2 29.2 55 17.7 NNE 9
Derby Airport 09:30 pm 28.5 -- 25.4 31.7 70 22.3 E 9
Fitzroy Crossing 09:30 pm 28.8 -- 20.9 29.0 30 10.5   Calm
Halls Creek 09:30 pm 22.7 -- 17.1  *  40 9.1    
Kalumburu 09:30 pm 25.4 -- 23.8 30.2 80 22.1   Calm
Karijini North 09:30 pm 26.6 -- 20.0 23.8 40 11.5 S 17
Karratha Airport 09:30 pm 26.4 -- 23.4 26.5 70 20.3 W 20
Kununurra Airport 09:30 pm 25.9 -- 20.8 27.0 50 14.7 W 2
Learmonth 09:30 pm 23.3 -- 19.6 20.8 60 15.1 SW 22
Newman 09:30 pm 22.9 -- 18.4 20.2 55 12.8 SSE 19
Onslow 09:30 pm 24.1 -- 21.5 24.0 70 18.7 W 17
Port Hedland 09:30 pm 24.5 -- 21.3 25.5 65 17.7 W 9
Roebourne Airport 09:30 pm 26.9 -- 20.6 26.5 40 12.5 W 6
Telfer 09:30 pm 28.8 -- 19.2 26.2 20 4.3    
Troughton Island 09:30 pm 27.3 -- 25.9 30.7 85 24.6 WNW 15
Wyndham 09:30 pm 26.4 -- 22.3 27.4 60 17.7 E 9
Yampi Sound (Defence) 09:30 pm 27.0 -- 25.0 32.3 80 23.0   Calm
Gascoyne, Interior, Goldfields and Eucla
Carnarvon 09:30 pm 19.4 -- 17.8 15.3 80 15.9 S 32
Eucla 09:30 pm 14.8 -- 14.5 13.6 95 14.0 SE 13
Forrest 09:30 pm 14.9 -- 13.4 11.5 80 11.1 S 20
Giles 09:30 pm 22.1 -- 17.8  *  55 12.4    
Kalgoorlie Boulder Airport 09:30 pm 16.0 -- 13.0 10.3 60 8.2 SSE 28
Laverton 09:30 pm 20.9 -- 12.7 13.7 15 -5.0 SE 24
Leonora Airport 09:30 pm 21.0 -- 13.4 15.0 20 -1.5 SE 20
Leinster 09:30 pm 21.7 -- 13.4 16.0 20 -3.6 SE 17
Meekatharra 09:30 pm 21.0 -- 14.9 18.5 35 5.0 NE 7
Mount Magnet 09:30 pm 21.4 -- 14.1 14.9 25 0.6 SSE 24
Norseman 09:30 pm 12.5 -- 10.7 8.4 75 7.8 SSE 19
Paraburdoo 09:30 pm 25.2 -- 19.3 22.9 45 11.7 E 15
Shark Bay 09:30 pm 18.4 -- 17.1 14.1 85 15.5 S 32
Southern Cross Airport 09:30 pm 14.5 -- 11.8 8.6 65 7.5 SSE 28
Warburton 09:30 pm 21.1 -- 17.5 17.9 60 13.0 ESE 22
Central and Lower West
Badgingarra 09:30 pm 11.9 -- 10.9 8.9 85 9.3 SSE 15
Bickley 09:30 pm 12.9 -- 10.7 7.7 70 7.1 ESE 24
Dwellingup Forestry 09:30 pm 12.2 -- 10.6 8.2 75 8.1 ESE 19
Garden Island 09:30 pm 15.9 -- 13.8 12.3 70 10.7 SSE 20
Geraldton Airport 09:30 pm 13.2 -- 12.6 11.7 90 11.8 SE 11
Gingin Airport 09:30 pm 13.9 -- 11.8 11.0 70 8.3 SSE 13
Jandakot Airport 09:30 pm 14.4 -- 12.1 11.2 65 8.4 SSE 15
Lancelin (Defence) 09:30 pm 13.4 -- 12.6 12.5 90 11.5 SE 7
Mandurah 09:30 pm 16.1 -- 13.2 14.5 60 8.6 SSE 7
Millendon (Swan Valley) 09:30 pm 13.9 -- 12.0 12.5 70 8.9 SE 6
Morawa 09:30 pm 13.6 -- 12.0 11.1 75 9.6 SSE 13
North Island 09:30 pm 18.6 -- 17.1 12.9 80 15.1 SSE 39
Pearce 09:30 pm 13.9 -- 11.8 11.1 70 8.5 SE 13
Perth Airport 09:30 pm 15.4 -- 12.4 12.3 60 7.4 SE 13
Perth Metro 09:30 pm 16.2 -- 13.0 14.0 60 7.9 SE 9
Rottnest Island 09:30 pm 17.0 -- 14.2 10.4 65 9.9 SSE 35
Swanbourne 09:30 pm 15.2 -- 13.3 13.3 75 10.6 SSE 11
South West
Bridgetown 09:30 pm 7.2 -- 7.0 6.4 95 6.5   Calm
Bunbury 09:30 pm 9.9 -- 9.9 9.9 100 9.9   Calm
Busselton Airport 09:30 pm 11.1 -- 10.6 9.0 90 9.9 SSE 11
Cape Leeuwin 09:30 pm 15.8 -- 14.2 11.5 80 12.0 ESE 26
Cape Naturaliste 09:30 pm 12.7 -- 11.7 9.0 85 10.1 SSE 20
Collie East 09:30 pm 8.0 -- 7.6 7.3 95 6.9   Calm
Manjimup 09:30 pm 10.3 -- 9.7 7.9 90 8.7 ESE 11
Shannon 09:30 pm 9.5 -- 9.3 8.1 95 9.0 SSE 6
Walpole 09:30 pm 10.3 -- 9.8 8.7 90 8.9 ENE 7
Witchcliffe 09:30 pm 11.5 -- 11.4 9.8 100 11.3 SSE 11
Station Name Observation
Wind (10m)
Dir Spd

WST °C °C°C°C % °C
Southern Coastal and Wheatbelt
Albany Airport 09:30 pm 10.5 -- 10.2 9.3 95 9.6 ESE 6
Cunderdin Airfield 09:30 pm 12.8 -- 11.0 8.6 75 8.1 SE 20
Dalwallinu 09:30 pm 10.8 -- 9.7 7.1 80 7.9 S 17
Esperance 09:30 pm 13.9 -- 12.5 11.2 80 10.3 SSE 15
Esperance Airport 09:30 pm 11.1 -- 10.6 9.0 90 9.7 SE 11
Hopetoun North 09:30 pm 13.8 -- 12.4 11.4 80 10.2 ESE 13
Jacup 09:30 pm 6.9 -- 6.5 4.6 95 5.8 SSE 7
Katanning 09:30 pm 9.0 -- 8.1 5.7 85 6.6 SE 13
Lake Grace 09:30 pm 9.9 -- 9.3 7.8 90 8.3 SSE 9
Munglinup West 09:30 pm 10.6 -- 10.3 8.9 95 9.8 ESE 9
Newdegate Research Stn 09:30 pm 7.7 -- 7.1 4.7 90 6.0 SE 11
Rocky Gully South 09:30 pm 9.3 -- 8.8 6.3 90 7.9 ESE 13
Salmon Gums Research Stn 09:30 pm 7.1 -- 7.0 5.2 100 6.8 SSE 6
Wandering 09:30 pm 11.2 -- 10.0 8.3 80 8.1 SE 13
North West Islands
Christmas Island 09:30 pm 23.9 -- 23.0 25.5 90 22.2 SE 17
Cocos Is 09:30 pm 26.7 -- 24.8 28.4 80 23.0 ESE 19

Note: Calculation of the sun WBGT has been suppressed for this hour because the approximation used is not valid at these times.

The shade WBGT is calculated for an environment shaded from direct (and strong reflected) solar radiation and where surfaces are not significantly hotter or colder than the indicated air temperature.

* The calculation of AT requires an observation of temperature, humidity, and wind. If any of these are unavailable, the AT field is left blank.

The WBGT values displayed here should be used in conjunction with guidelines provided by Sports Medicine Australia (SMA).

The AT values displayed here are the Steadman Apparent Temperatures measured in the shade. The Apparent Temperature is an estimation of what the temperature "feels like" to an appropriately dressed adult. Direct exposure to the afternoon sun would add as much as 8C to the AT.

Further information About Thermal Comfort Observations including Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) and Apparent Temperature (AT).