IDY21091 40:2:1:04:55S125E35050:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1802UTC 16 February 2025 GALE WARNING 11 FOR SOUTHEASTERN AREA SITUATION AT 1800UTC Forecast vigorous flow associated with low 989hPa near 41S163E, forecast 985hPa near 41S161E at 170000UTC, 982hPa near 40S162E at 170600UTC, 997hPa near 40S162E at 171200UTC and then 986hPa near 38S164E at 171800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 34S167E 33S160E 37S156E 44S155E 48S159E 34S167E . FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low in the western semicircle. Winds shifting to the northwestern semicircle after 170600UTC. Rough to very rough seas, increasing to very rough to high seas in the western semicircle of low. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0100 UTC 16 February 2025