Map of Weather Observations for Queensland

Qld. Weather and Warnings | All Qld. Observations | Qld. Latest Weather Observations

These map locations identify stations where the weather observation data is collected. In some cases, these stations are located a short distance from corresponding towns, most commonly at local airports.

Click station names to link to corresponding 'Latest 72 hours' of observations.

North Tropical Coast and Tablelands District ForecastHerbert and Lower Burdekin District Forecast Coconut Island Horn Island Thursday Island Scherger Weipa Lockhart River Coen Airport Cape Flattery Cooktown Kowanyama Bougainville Reef Palmerville Willis Island Low Isles Holmes Reef Mornington Island Airport Sweers Island Lihou Reef Lighthouse Normanton Flinders Reef Burketown Airport Georgetown Century Mine Marion Reef Camooweal Bowen Airport AWS Charters Towers Lake Julius Hamilton Island Proserpine Creal Reef Collinsville New May Downs Cloncurry Julia Creek Mount Isa Richmond Hughenden Carters Bore Frederick Reef Mackay Ooralea Racecourse (Mackay Turf Club) Mackay Airport Hay Point Urandangi Aerodrome Middle Percy Island The Monument Trepell Gannett Cay Moranbah Airport St Lawrence Winton Williamson Samuel Hill Clermont Airport Boulia Yeppoon Cato Island Rockhampton Longreach Heron Island Rundle Island Barcaldine Emerald Blackwater Ap Gladstone Gladstone Airport Lochington Lady Elliot Island Springsure Seventeen Seventy Isisford Bedourie Blackall Rolleston Airport Thangool Airport Sandy Cape Monto Township Tambo Bundaberg Hervey Bay Windorah Maryborough Gayndah Taroom Injune Birdsville Charleville Mitchell Roma Miles Surat Dalby Ballera Thargomindah Bollon St George Goondiwindi Airport Cunnamulla Inglewood Applethorpe Stanthorpe Texas Chinchilla Airport Arlington Reef Cairns Cairns Racecourse Mareeba Innisfail Aerodrome South Johnstone Cowley Beach (Defence) Cardwell Lucinda Ingham Townsville Cape Ferguson Cape Ferguson Townsville Air Weapons Range (Defence) Townsville Air Weapons Range (Defence) Mount Struart (Defence) Woolshed Alva Beach Ayr Townsville - Fanning River (Defence) Brisbane area observation locations, click for enlargement North Tropical Coast and Tablelands District Forecast Channel Country District Forecast Herbert and Lower Burdekin District Forecast Darling Downs and Granite Belt District Forecast Wide Bay and Burnett District Forecast Capricornia Disctrict Forecast Central Highlands Coalfields District Forecast Central Coast - Whitsundays District Forecast Peninsula District Forecast Gulf Country District Forecast North West District Forecast Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders District Forecast Central West District Forecast Channel Country District Forecast Maranoa and Warrego District Forecast North West District Forecast Central West District Forecast Maranoa and Warrego District Forecast Western Districts Central Highlands Coalfields District Forecast Southeast Coast District Forecast Capricornia Disctrict Forecast Southeast Districts Central Coast - Whitsundays District Forecast Central Districts Herbert and Lower Burdekin District Forecast Darling Downs and Granite Belt District Forecast North Tropical Coast and Tablelands District Forecast Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders District Forecast Gulf Country District Forecast Peninsula District Forecast Northern Districts Wide Bay and Burnett District Forecast