This page provides a summary of the valid weather warnings issued in this state.
This page automatically refreshes whenever a warning is issued. Click on the warning link for more information.
- Warnings current:
- Minor Flood Warning for the Tully River and Final Flood Warning for the Murray River,
- Major Flood Warning for the Herbert River,
- Minor Flood Warning for the Ross River and Final Flood Warning for the Bohle and Black Rivers,
- Final Flood Warning for the Haughton River Catchment,
- Moderate Flood Warning for the Upper Burdekin and Lower Burdekin Rivers and Minor Flood Warning for the Cape River, and Suttor River,
- Final Flood Warning for the Don and Proserpine Rivers,
- Minor Flood Warning for the Isaac River,
- Moderate Flood Warning for the Thomson River and Minor Flood Warning for the Barcoo River,
- Minor Flood Warning for the Western River and Flood Warning for the Diamantina River,
- Minor Flood Warning for the Albert River,
- Major Flood Warning for the Flinders Rivers,
- Flood Warning for the Norman and Gilbert Rivers,
- Flood Warning Summary for Queensland,
- Flood Watch for parts of the Western Cape York Peninsula,
- Heatwave Warning (QLD).