Short-term forecast map

Note: This forecast is issued at midday EST (11:30 am CST, 10:00 am WST) and is valid for 36 hours from the computer model base time.

Forecast map for tomorrow
  • Line with short dashes
    Low pressure
  • Line with triangles on one side
    Cold front
  • Line with triangles separated by small circles
    cold front
  • Line with triangles separated by crosses
    cold front
  • Line with short and long dashes
    Monsoon trough
  • Line with semicircles
    Warm front
  • Line with semicircles separated by small circles
    warm front
  • Line with semicircles separated by crosses
    warm front
  • Arrow indicates front direction, label indicates speed in knots
    Front direction
    and speed (knots)
  • Line with semicircles on one side and triangles on the other side
    Stationary front
  • Line with triangles and semicircles on the same side
    Occluded front