Casey, Antarctica
November 2024 Daily Weather Observations

DateDayTempsRainEvapSunMax wind gust9 am3 pm
1Fr-9.8-5.60.4 8.5NNE2609:48-6.976 NNE17994.2-7.752 NNE13995.7
2Sa-14.8-1.50 13.6SE2005:58-8.654 S2994.4-3.855 Calm992.6
3Su-12.0-2.10 13.3SSE2408:50-7.762 SSE19987.3-4.064 S7984.8
4Mo-12.3-3.70 13.6NNE2410:11-6.053 E9981.3-4.456 NNE7980.3
5Tu-11.0-4.50 8.8ENE4820:53-5.370 E11979.7-5.759 NE22978.9
6We-10.9-4.50 1.0E6105:32-5.964 SE24976.4-5.161 E46978.2
7Th-7.8-4.90 0.0ESE4101:06-5.162 NE20983.1-5.179 NNE20981.7
8Fr-7.5-4.40 0.0NE3002:10-6.183 NNE17981.6-4.875 NNE6982.0
9Sa-7.8-4.80.6 0.7E3900:24-6.1797NNE2978.3-5.881 NNE17975.1
10Su-12.2-1.80 13.1E3501:12-5.860 E9973.9-4.959 E11974.0
11Mo-10.1-2.00 9.6ENE1504:51-4.161 NE7975.4-3.066 NE9976.0
12Tu-5.8-2.00 1.3NNE2613:31-4.180 NNE9979.3-4.272 N22981.3
13We-5.5-4.30 11.3WSW2614:41-4.779 WNW15984.4-5.2571W20985.0
14Th-11.2-5.50 13.5NE4300:12-6.873 N13983.1-6.173 NNE20983.3
15Fr-9.1-4.60 4.2NNE5008:54-6.4768NNE31984.3-5.679 NNE28984.7
16Sa-8.8-4.60 7.8WSW2013:21-6.167 NNE7979.4-5.162 W11978.5
17Su-9.6-1.60 7.2E8300:59-5.363 NE15973.9-4.974 N19971.0
18Mo-7.2-2.70 3.1E11502:41-3.760 S33956.2-3.170 SSE31957.5
19Tu-8.7-2.90 10.5NNE3518:54-3.5762W20972.7-4.061 NNW20978.5
20We-6.0-1.50 1.2E3002:58-3.3808N11981.6-2.473 N7982.9
21Th-7.20.00 7.9ENE11722:44-3.3747NNE22991.1-2.169 ENE31990.2
22Fr- 2.0ENE12204:21-0.483 NE89975.0-0.5858ENE72979.1
23Sa-2.8-1.01.4 0.3NNE3501:22-2.3938NNW6983.5-1.584 SSE17980.9
24Su-4.5-0.40 0.7SSE4310:48-2.773 S20978.3-0.752 NE9979.0
25Mo-7.0-0.80 3.9E7420:24-3.474 SSE11983.7-1.764 E39981.9
26Tu-5.80.40 0.8E8704:21-2.358 E63977.9-1.6657ESE35978.5
27We-6.4-0.70 7.3E7621:31-2.662 NNE9982.1-2.272 W9976.7
28Th-4.30.70 0.0E10913:08-3.671 E81968.7-3.465 E83971.9
29Fr-5.11.40 5.4NE6709:03-0.773 ENE52979.31.077 NE46985.0
30Sa-2.70.40 12.8SSE3101:58-1.571 SSE111001.6-0.668 W61002.8
Statistics for November 2024
Mean-7.9-2.3  6.1   -4.5706 21980.7-3.6675 22980.9
Lowest-14.8-5.60 0.0   -8.6532#2956.2-7.7521Calm957.5
Highest- 13.6ENE122 -0.4938NE891001.61.0858E831002.8
Total  6.3 183.4               

IDCJDW9203.202411   Prepared at 13:04 UTC on Monday 3 February 2025

Source of data

Observations were drawn from Casey {station 300017}.

"9 am" observations are those made at 0300 UTC. This is equivalent to 10 am Local Standard Time, but 11am according to the time used by most people at the station. "3 pm" observations are similarly those made at 0900 UTC (4 pm LST, 5 pm station time).The maximum wind gust is in the 24 hours to 1 am local standard time.

You should read the important information in these notes.

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Other times and other places

The last 14 months of Daily Weather Observations for Casey, Antarctica are also here on this web site:

Feb 25   Jan 25   Dec 24   Nov 24   Oct 24   Sep 24   Aug 24   Jul 24   
Jun 24   May 24   Apr 24   Mar 24   Feb 24   Jan 24   

Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in Antarctica and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.

Climate statistics

If you are after long-term averages relevant to Casey, Antarctica, look at the tables for Casey or Casey (The Tunnel).

Maps and tables of average conditions for locations across Australia are also available.

More information

If you are using these pages, you are deemed to have understood the important information in these notes. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means.

If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us.