Australian Baseline Sea Level Monitoring Project

About the Project

The project is designed to monitor sea level around the coastline of Australia. The ultimate goal is to identify long period sea level changes, with particular emphasis on the enhanced greenhouse effect on sea level.

The Bureau of Meteorology maintains an array of SEAFRAME stations which measure sea level very accurately, and record meteorological parameters. The array consists of fourteen standard stations, and two supplementary stations (Lorne and Stony Point), which are owned by port operators.

Vertical stability of the gauges is surveyed by State organisations. The survey data is archived by Geoscience Australia.

Data Products and Reports

Archived Data Product

ABSLMP Sea-Level Monitoring Network

The project relies on the maintanance of a permanent tide gauge facility, which provides information on sea levels and tides.

In addition to its system of tide gauge facilities, the Australian Monitoring Network also includes a network of earth monitoring stations for geodetic observations, implemented and maintained by Geoscience Australia. The earth monitoring installations provide Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements to allow absolute determination of the vertical height of the tide gauges that measure sea level.

Map of Baseline sea level monitoring stations