The Bureau has retired the Monthly Water Update. You can find information about rainfall, streamflow, stream salinity and storages in the Bureau's Water Information, Water Data Online, Australian Water Outlook, Drought statement and Climate Summaries. If you have questions or feedback about this retirement, please contact

Monthly Water Update

small map representing the district Lake Eyre Basin

Lake Eyre Basin

December 2022 Summary

Rainfall was average or higher than average across 94 per cent of the area. Total rainfall was 48 mm, 66 per cent higher than the long-term mean of 29 mm for December.

Streamflows were variable across the drainage division.

Select thumbnail for more information...


map visualising rainfall details


map visualising streamflow details


map visualising rainfall details for Lake Eyre Basin

Rainfall statistics

Rainfall decile group Percentage of area
Highest on record since 1900 0%
Very much above average 20%
Above average 36%
Average 38%
Below average 5%
Very much below average 1%
Lowest on record since 1900 0%

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