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Please note that any products available from this site are only made available on the basis that users are fully aware that the products are subject to this disclaimer and the Bureau's copyright and disclaimer notice below.

Any applications of these products by third parties to provide value-added products and services of commercial value will be subject to Intellectual Property (IP) considerations. In addition, products from the Bluelink system, that do not fall within the Basic Oceanographic Product set, that is products that involve value adding will also be subject to IP considerations.

If any commercial applications being considered please contact

Data Acknowledgments

The Bureau of Meteorology gratefully acknowledge the following institutions and data products that have been used to develop the system:

  • Bluelink project partners - CSIRO and RAN

Ocean General Circulation Model:


The topography for OceanMAPSv4.0i is derived from the 30 arc-second GEBCO 08 topography ( for most of the world, and a 9 arc-second topography produced by Geoscience Australia (Whiteway, 2009).

Satellite remote sensing:

  • RADS Jason-3, CryoSat-2, SARAL, Sentinel 3A, Sentinel 3B and Sentinel 6

Real-time in situ observations:

These are data made freely available from a large number of sources, through mechanisms such as the Global Telecommunications System of the World Meteorological Organization. For Bluelink they include specifically observations made by:

Technical Specifications

The Bluelink Ocean Forecasts are produced by the Ocean Model, Analysis and Prediction System version 4 (OceanMAPSv4.0i). See the OceanMAPS v4.0i technical specification

Sea Temperature

Links to ocean temperature maps for the Sea Surface and Subsurface. Daily, weekly and monthly periods covering Australia, nearby regions and the globe.