- Lim, E.-P. and co-authors Future changes in the SH rainfall in association with the Southern Annular Mode SPARC DynVar Workshop, June, Helsinki, Finland the presentation files shown below should be moved to the directories for external presentation pages
- Ekström, M. Does convective permitting resolutions add value over parameterised convection resolutions in terms of daily rainfall statistics for Victorian catchments? AMOS conference 2016, Feb, Melbourne VIC
- Lim, E.-P., H. H. Hendon, M. Zhao and Y. Yin, Inter-decadal variations in the linkages between ENSO, the IOD and south-eastern Australian springtime rainfall in the past 30 years, AMOS conference 2016, Feb, Melbourne VIC
- Lucas, C. The mean meridional circulation in isentropic coordinates: Climatology, variability and its relevance to southern Australia AMOS conference 2016, Feb, Melbourne VIC
- Timbal, B., M. Grose, D. Kirono and L. Wilson, South-Eastern Australia rainfall projections: do we understand the uncertainties? AMOS conference 2016, Feb, Melbourne VIC
- Lucas, C and H. Nguyen Regional characteristics of tropical expansion and the role of climate variability. Oral presentation. AGU Chapman Conference on Tropical Width, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 27-31 July 2015
- Nguyen, H., C. Lucas, A. Evans, B. Timbal, and L. Hanson Expansion of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley Cell in Response to Greenhouse Gas Forcing. J. Clim., 28(20), 80678077, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0139.1.
- VicCI Science Day Presentations & Meeting Summary
- Ekström, M. Pursuing high resolution downscaling for hydrological applications in the Victorian Climate Initiative (VicCI). 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling. Lund, Sweden 16 th -19th June
- Ekström, M. The pursuit of fine-resolution climate projections to simulate physically plausible impacts on water resources. Climate Adaptation 2014: Future Challenges. Gold Coast Australia, 29th Sept-2nd Oct
- Timbal, B. The Victorian Climate Initiative (VicCI). Melbourne R &D Forum, 5 May
- Hendon, H.H., G. Wang, and M. McPhaden "Decadal Variation of ENSO Predictability". Oral presentation at AOGS Brisbane, June 24-28. [Project 1]
- Hendon, H.H., E.P. Lim, and H. Nguyen "Interaction of the SAM with Subtropical Circulation & Rainfall", oral presentation AOGS Brisbane, June 24-28 [Project 3]
- Lim, E.-P., H. H. Hendon and H. A. Rashid Impact of Two Different Flavors of ENSO on the Low Frequency Variation of the Southern Annular Mode. Oral presentation at the Asia-Oceania Geophysical Society annual meeting, 24-28 June 2013, Brisbane [Projects 1 and 3]
- Lucas, C., H. Nguyen, and B. Timbal "Observations of Tropical Expansion", oral presentation AOGS Brisbane June 24-28 [Project 2]
- Nguyen, H., C. Lucas, and B. Timbal "Attribution and Impact of the Recent Hadley Circulation Expansion", oral presentation at AOGS Brisbane, 24-29 June. [Project 4]
- Timbal, B. The Victorian Climate Initiative - VicCI. Greenhouse 2013, Adelaide, 7-11 October