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National Water Account 2016

Perth: Statement of Water Flows

The volume of water in the region's storages at 30 June 2016 was 167,165 ML, a decrease of 35,197 ML from the start of the 2015–16 year. This decrease reflects the reduction in water volume of most the region's surface water storages during the year.




The Statement of Water Flows is provided in the table below. The statement presents the actual water flows associated with the water stores of the region that occurred during the reporting year, including flows corresponding to the accrual transactions shown in the Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities.  

Items in the statements are hyperlinked to the associated section of the Statement details. Methods used to derive item volumes are provided in the Reference information.


for the year ended 30 June 2016

 2016 ML2015 ML
Water inflows
Surface water inflows373,338573,079
Delivery: inter-region4,3661,858
Total surface water inflows373,338573,079
Groundwater inflows1,212,5811,349,748
Inter-region inflow47,47545,218
Inter-region coastal inflow00
Recharge: landscape1,165,1061,304,530
Total groundwater inflows1,212,5811,349,748
Urban water system inflows279,456262,150
Wastewater collected138,858140,771
Supply system delivery: inter-region1,9531,922
Delivery: desalinated water138,645119,457
Total urban water system inflows279,456262,150
Total water inflows1,865,3752,184,977
Water outflows
Surface water outflows245,367465,788
Leakage: landscape150150
River and floodplain losses
Allocated diversion: individual users38,70938,661
Total surface water outflows245,367465,788
Groundwater outflows1,035,7081,104,497
Inter-region outflow21,86323,439
Inter-region coastal outflow300,629341,881
Discharge: landscape332,617378,114
Non-allocated extraction: individual users80,84579,610
Allocated extraction: individual users299,754281,453
Total groundwater outflows1,035,7081,104,497
Urban water system outflows411,311406,371
Supply system delivery: urban users236,200232,537
Recycled water delivery: urban users9,0958,035
Discharge: sea123,163125,025
Discharge: landscape6,1455,962
Supply system transfer: inter-region27,92324,796
Other supply system outflows8,78510,016
Total urban water system outflows411,311406,371
Irrigation scheme outflows32,19731,426
Total irrigation scheme outflows32,19731,426
Total water outflows1,724,5832,008,082
Unaccounted-for difference
Unaccounted-for difference(175,989)(179,431)
Unaccounted-for difference(175,989)(179,431)
Total unaccounted-for difference(175,989)(179,431)
Total unaccounted-for difference(175,989)(179,431)
Opening water storage202,362204,898
Change in water storage(35,197)(2,536)
Closing water storage167,165202,362