Graphical Area Forecasts (GAFs)

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Following requests from the aviation industry, the Bureau of Meteorology changed the format of Area Forecasts (ARFORs) from text based to graphical on 9 November 2017. The new format is known as a Graphical Area Forecast (GAF).

The GAF is a combination of graphical and textual information. The graphic is divided into areas that share common weather characteristics which are detailed in an associated table.

There were significant changes noticeable to users of ARFORs. These included changes to:

  • The number of forecast areas (10 GAFs in total for Australia, compared to 28 ARFORs) and therefore boundaries of each area;
  • validity periods;
  • the method of advising significant weather deterioration; and
  • wind and temperature information, which is presented in a separate Grid Point Wind and Temperature (GPWT) forecast product.

Download GAF video

Further information about the GAF, the GPWT forecast, as well as samples can be downloaded from the following links:

Please contact if you require any further information.