- Acronyms, abbreviations, terms - Space Science & Engineering Center
- AMS Conferences, Meetings & Symposia
- Astronomical information, sunrise/sunset times from Geoscience Australia
- Australian Weather Photography Library
- CNN Weather Site - world city forecasts
- Department of Meteorology ( Penn State University)
- Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment
- ESPERE - Environmental Science Published for Everybody Round the Earth
- FAQ: Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tropical Cyclones
- Federation and Meteorology - history of Meteorology in Australia
- Global city climate normals - from StadtKlima
- Internet Weather Source - recent weather conditions around the world from US NWS
- NOAA Photo Collection - thousands of weather, space and marine images
- Online guide to Meteorology - multimedia modules from University of Illinois
- Planetarium - Museum of Victoria - sun, moon & planet times
- Roger Brugge's Weather page
- sci.geo.meteorology Newsgroup FAQ - a comprehensive list of meteorology sites, data sets, resources
- UM Weather - index from Uni of Michigan
- WINDandSEA - Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Internet Guide
- World Weather Forecasts from Intellicast.com - 10 day forecasts for most cities
- WorldClimate - historical weather averages for places worldwide
- WW2010 - the weather world 2010 project from Uni of Illinois
- Yahoo index to meteorology sites