Inmarsat SafetyNET weather services
Standard-C equipment required
The Bureau of Meteorology provides a range of marine forecasts and warnings via the Inmarsat system. Services for METAREA X are provided for Bass Strait, Torres Strait, Western Australian and Northern Territory coastal waters and for the Australian high seas areas.
These broadcasts are provided as part of the International Maritime Safety Information broadcast service to shipping, under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.
Australian SafetyNET weather bulletins schedule
Forecast type | Areas | Times |
High seas | North Eastern, South Eastern, Western, Northern |
1100, 2300 UTC |
High seas | Southern | 1100 UTC |
Coastal waters | Bass Strait Torres Strait Northern Territory (Cape Fourcroy to NT-Qld Border) Western Australia Northern Australia (WA-NT Border to Cape Fourcroy) |
0530 LST; 1930 UTC* 0445 LST; 1845 UTC 0445 LST; 1915 UTC 0430 LST; 2030 UTC |
Note: LST = Local Standard Time (which adjusts for daylight saving times)
* Broadcast is made at the same LST all year round, however UTC time changes 1 hour later during Australian Daylight Saving Time.
Australian SafetyNET weather warnings schedule
Warnings are broadcast as they are issued by Bureau forecasting centres, with one repeat after 6 minutes.