Adelaide: Key findings
For the water account period 1 July 2016–30 June 2017
- Well above-average annual rainfall during the 2016–17 year led to an increase in runoff and aquifer recharge across the region.
- Aquifer storage increased for the first time in 4 years; surface water storage increased by 4% from last year to 56% full.
- The increase in the region's surface water availability meant inter-region transfer from the River Murray to meet urban demand was the lowest in over six years.
Climate and water
Water use
Water supplied

199,610 ML
urban system
individual users
Water status
254,609 ML
total surface water, groundwater and desalination allocations.
Water assets
175,442 ML
closing net water assets at 30 June 2017

4,749 ML less than last year
155,000 ML
expected water assets at 30 June 2018

decrease from this year