National Water Account 2017

Burdekin: Key findings

Water reports for the period 1 July 2016–30 June 2017

  • Wet season rainfall was mostly below average. However, above average rainfall in March associated with ex-tropical cyclone Debbie increased storage volumes to 96% full.
  • Total inflows to the region increased by 50% over last year and as a result, water assets increased during the 2016-17 reporting period.
  • Total surface water use was 10% down from last year, particularly due to a 15% reduction for irrigation.

Climate and water


Rainfall icon

658 mm

similar to the long-term average


Streamflow iconarrowpointingup

below average

more than last year


Storage icon

96% full


4% more than last year   

Water use

Water sourced

Graph showing breakdown of water sources use in the Ord region for 2015–16. 172,912 megalitres of surface water was diverted or approximately 95% of total water sourced; Groundwater extracted was 8,572 megalitres or 5% of total water sourced.



surface water


Water supplied

Graph showing breakdown of water supplied to users in the Ord region for 2015–16. 147,822 megalitres was supplied to the irrigation scheme or 82% of total water supplied; 31,397 ML was supplied to the urban system 17% and 2,265 ML was supplied to individual users or 1% of total water supplied

833,072 ML

individual users


urban system




irrigation scheme


Water status

1,423 GL

total surface water and groundwater allocations

2,044 GL

closing net water assets at 30 June 2017

65 GL more than last year

2,000 GL

expected water assets at 30 June 2018

similar to this year