Burdekin: Water stores
Increased rainfall, compared to last year, contributed to increased runoff in the region. The improved climatic conditions resulted in a 10% decrease in water use during the year.
For a water balance on each of the region's water stores for the 2016–17 year scroll down this page or click on the links below:
Surface water store
2017 ML | 2016 ML | |
Opening surface water store | 1,871,324 | 1,479,551 |
Inflows | 7,988,689 | 3,442,916 |
Outflows | (5,989,199) | (2,846,619) |
Balancing item | (1,924,416) | (204,524) |
Closing surface water store | 1,946,398 | 1,871,324 |
- The volume of surface water in the region increased from 1,871,324 ML at 1 July 2016 to 1,946,398 ML at 30 June 2017.
- The balancing item of 1,924,416 ML is primarily attributed to uncertainties associated with the runoff, which is estimated from a combination of observed streamflow and a rainfall–runoff model (see Methods).
Surface water flows
Figure S3 Water inflows and outflows for the surface water store during the 2016–17 year
- The largest natural water flows in the region were runoff and river outflow. Both were much higher than the previous year, reflecting the rainfall conditions experienced across the region (see Climate and water).
- Total surface water diverted in the region was 760,702 ML, a 10% decrease from the previous year.
- Non-allocated diversion: individual users accounted for the remaining 20% of diversions.
- For a more detailed description of the water usage in the region, and the associated entitlements, see the Surface water rights note.
Groundwater store
2017 ML | 2016 ML | |
Opening groundwater store | 107,714 | 93,451 |
Inflows | 99,104 | 112,483 |
Outflows | (81,606) | (80,433) |
Balancing item | (26,734) | (17,787) |
Closing groundwater store | 98,478 | 107,714 |
- The physical volume of groundwater in the region is unknown. At this time, the account represents the groundwater store as the total groundwater licence entitlement for the reporting year.
Groundwater flows
Figure S4 Water inflows and outflows for the groundwater store during the 2016-17 year
- The only physical water movement to aquifers in the Burdekin region that can be quantified is managed aquifer recharge.
- Total groundwater extraction was 81,606 ML, a marginal increase from the previous year.
- 75% of the total extraction was for individual users, 25% was for irrigation scheme supply and less than 1% for the urban system.
- For a more detailed description of the water usage in the region, and the associated entitlements, see the Groundwater rights note.