National Water Account 2017

Daly: Key findings

For the water account period 1 July 2016–30 June 2017

  • Total annual rainfall during the 2016–17 year was above average.
  • Heavy rainfall during December–February, typically the wettest months of the year, contributed to high streamflows and a large increase in aquifer recharge.
  • This was the first annual increase in groundwater availability in the region in five years.

Climate and water


Rainfall icon

1,360 mm

above the long-term average


Streamflow iconarrowpointingup

above average

more than last year

Aquifer storage

Storage icon

516,000 ML


increase from last year   

Water use

Water sourced

Graph showing breakdown of water sources use in the Daly region for 2016–17. 8,614 ML of surface water was diverted or approximately 19% of total water sourced; Groundwater extracted was 36,264 ML or 81% of total water sourced.

surface water




Water supplied

Graph showing breakdown of water users in the Daly region for 2016–17. 41,674 ML of water was for individual users or approximately 93% of total water supplied; 3,204 ML was for town supply or 7% of total water supplied.

44,878 ML

individual users


urban system


Water status

123,121 ML

total surface water and groundwater allocations

516,000 ML

increase in net water assets during the 2016–17 year


in storage expected during the 2017–18 year