National Water Account 2017

Ord: Key findings

Water reports for the period 1 July 2016–30 June 2017

  • Total annual rainfall during the 2016–17 year was the second highest on record.
  • Heavy rainfall during January–February, typically the wettest months of the year, contributed to very high streamflows and a large increase in water storage volume.
  • Water use decreased from the previous year reflecting the wet conditions across the region.

Climate and water


Rainfall icon

1,269 mm

well above the long-term average


Streamflow icon arrowpointingup

above average

more than last year


Storage icon

108% full


46% more than last year   

Water use

Water sourced

Graph showing breakdown of water sources use in the Ord region for 2015–16. 172,912 megalitres of surface water was diverted or approximately 95% of total water sourced; Groundwater extracted was 8,572 megalitres or 5% of total water sourced.



surface water


Water supplied

Graph showing breakdown of water supplied to users in the Ord region for 2015–16. 147,822 megalitres was supplied to the irrigation scheme or 82% of total water supplied; 31,397 ML was supplied to the urban system 17% and 2,265 ML was supplied to individual users or 1% of total water supplied

205,125 ML

irrigation scheme


individual users


urban system


Water status


439 GL

total surface water and groundwater allocations

Water assets

11,492 GL

closing net water assets at 30 June 2017

3,741 GL more than last year


9,200 GL

expected water assets at 30 June 2018

decrease from this year