Ord: Outlook for 2018 Account
as at 1 June 2018
Wet season rainfall was close to average in 2017–18 and much less than the 2016–17 year, which contributed to a decrease in the region's surface water storage. Water use is expected to increase compared to last year.
For further information on the expected inflows and future commitments for the region during the 2017–18 year scroll down this page.
Future prospects
Figure S15 Water outlook for the Ord region for 2017–18
- There is a surplus of available water assets and future water rights over water liabilities and future water commitments that are expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date.
Expected inflows
Figure S16 Rainfall deciles for the Ord region from July 2017–May 2018
- Despite average rainfall across most of the region during the first 11 months of the 2017–18 year (July–May), storages were 85% full at 1 June 2018 compared to 117% full at the same time last year. The high storage volume this time last year followed well above-average wet season rainfall in 2016–17 (see Climate and water).
- Net storage inflows for 2017–18 are likely to be negative, which means outflows from the storages (e.g. evaporation, spillage) will exceed inflows (e.g. rainfall, river inflow). This is primarily due to a combination of low streamflows in the catchment area upstream of Lake Argyle, high storage evaporation during the year, and large volumes of spillage in July–August 2017 when Lake Argyle was still above 100% full following very high rainfall in 2016–17.
Future commitments
- 2017–18 rainfall was less than last year, which usually mean users will have an increased reliance on water sourced directly from surface water and groundwater stores.
- Water supply to the Goomig Farmlands is also expected to increase in 2017–18 as development continues in this relatively new irrigation area.