National Water Account 2019

Border Rivers: Key findings

For the water account period 1 July 2018–30 June 2019

  • Total annual rainfall was well below average and the lowest in almost 80 years.
  • End of year storage dropped to 7% full, the lowest in more than 10 years.
  • Water taken for consumptive use was 285 GL, similar to last year.

Climate and water


Rainfall icon

377 mm

well below the average of 625 mm


Streamflow icon

below average

for the entire year


Storage icon

7% full


87% less than last year

Water use

Water accessible

Graph showing breakdown of sources of water lawfully accessible for take in the Border Rivers catchment. A total of 481 GL of water was lawfully accessible for take in the 2018-19 year. Surface water and groundwater made up 88% and 12% of total accessible water respectively.

Water taken

Graph showing breakdown of water users in the Border Rivers catchment. A total of 481 GL of water was lawfully accessible for take in the 2018-19 year. 56% of total water accessible was taken by individual users, less than 1% was taken for town supply, and 3% was taken under basic rights. 41% of the accessible water was not used.

* water accessible for consumptive use