Murray–Darling Basin: Key findings
For the water account period 1 July 2018–30 June 2019
- Total annual rainfall was well below average and the lowest in 15 years.
- End of year storage dropped to 32% full, the lowest since 2010.
- Water taken for consumptive use was 7,429 GL, 20% less than last year, reflecting the dry conditions.
Climate and water
310 mm
below the average of 459 mm
below average
for most of the year
32% full
39% less than last year
Water use
Accessible water
Water taken
* water accessible for consumptive use
Water status
19,622 GL
total surface water and groundwater entitlements
Water assets
12,692 GL
water assets at 30 June 2019
4,578 GL less than last year
in storage expected during the 2019–20 year