Bureau Home » Water Information » National Water Account » 2019 Account » Sydney » Water Accounting Statements » Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities

National Water Account 2019

Sydney: Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities

for the year ended 30 June 2019

  • Water availability decreased during 2018–19 for the third successive year.
  • The change in water available is represented by the change in net water assets.



The Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities is provided in the table below. The statement presents the changes in water assets and water liabilities that occurred during the year, including accrual transactions (e.g. allocations and forfeitures) and actual water flows, both natural and engineered.



Select comparative year

 2019 ML2018 ML2017 ML2016 ML2015 ML2014 ML
Water asset increases
Surface water increases  1,555,0501,429,5694,663,0255,132,4395,490,2542,152,593
Precipitation 34,53980,591173,155139,962155,84891,668
Runoff 1,430,8581,280,6124,357,3644,909,5295,239,5111,986,928
Discharge: user 081828082,485
Claims: inter-region 11,83411,83411,83411,83411,83411,834
Discharge: wastewater* 70,27355,21777,92471,11483,05359,678
Flood return 7,5461,23441,920
Groundwater increases  751,985**710,660**41,670**37,665**37,210**40,390
Inter-region inflow –
Recharge: landscape –
Recharge: surface water* 704,153663,398
Leakage: urban* 47,83247,26241,67037,66537,21040,390
Urban water system increases  1,566,7311,502,0961,602,5701,588,371**1,587,597**1,520,831
Wastewater collected 518,384461,542562,042547,783547,009480,243
Delivery: desalinated water 7,79300000
Claims: surface water* 1,040,5541,040,5541,040,5281,040,5881,040,5881,040,588
Total water asset increases 3,873,7663,642,3256,307,2656,758,4757,115,0613,713,814
Water liability decreases
Surface water liability decreases  623,290578,118617,633624,368632,246600,042
Adjustment and forfeiture: individual users 146,019144,738140,849138,889134,553116,485
Adjustment and forfeiture: urban water system* 477,271433,380476,784485,479497,693483,557
Groundwater liability decreases  73,687
Adjustment and forfeiture: individual users 73,545
Adjustment and forfeiture: urban system 142
Total water liability decreases 696,977578,118617,633624,368632,246600,042
Water asset decreases
Surface water decreases  1,911,9351,440,8304,383,8104,226,4064,611,9531,930,582
Evaporation 48,946179,549189,060150,271166,963168,947
Outflow 968,890551,7663,888,6754,036,2194,403,6941,724,770
Diversion: statutory rights 32,25732,25732,25732,53032,53032,530
Recharge: groundwater 704,153663,398
Claims: inter-region 5,1592,6198,1227,3868,7664,335
Overbank flow 152,53011,241265,696
Groundwater decreases  –
Inter-region outflow –
Discharge: landscape –
Urban water system decreases  1,564,8711,485,0331,594,5861,573,155**1,575,132**1,506,155
Leakage: groundwater 47,83247,26241,67037,66537,21040,390
Supply system delivery: urban users 511,123532,632502,178491,281478,372487,104
Recycled water delivery: urban users 16,61814,39413,59617,50220,51522,018
Wastewater and recycled water discharge: surface water* 70,27355,21777,92471,11483,05359,678
Discharge: sea 416,052384,874456,190432,491443,546394,499
Claims: surface water* 477,271433,380476,784485,479497,693483,557
Other supply system decreases 11,21912,03611,07610,11314,74315,153
Discharge: landscape 0094
Other wastewater and recycled water system decreases 14,4835,23815,07427,51003,756
Total water asset decreases 3,476,8062,925,8635,978,3965,799,5616,187,0853,436,737
Water liability increases
Surface water liability increases  1,199,9431,199,9431,199,9221,199,9781,200,0681,200,050
Allocation: individual users 159,389159,389159,394159,390159,480159,462
Allocation: urban water system*
Groundwater liability increases  77,096
Allocation: individual users 76,954
Allocation: urban system 142
Total water liability increases 1,277,0391,199,9431,199,9221,199,9781,200,0681,200,050
Unaccounted-for difference  (412,103)**(740,798)**122,894**(226,715)**(83,258)**(127,383)
Change in net water assets      
Change in net surface water assets (595,205)(646,161)(130,526)156,589**276,896(450,314)
Change in net groundwater assets 000000
Change in net urban water assets 000000
Total change in net water assets  (595,205)(646,161)(130,526)156,589276,896(450,314)


* between-store flows and claims

** different to published volume in historical accounts (see Governance section for more information)