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National Water Account 2019

Sydney: Water access and use

  • 81% of the region's water allocations were for urban supply, primarily for residential use.
  • Around 45% of the total water allocation was used in 2018–19, slightly less than last year.

For further information on water rights and water use within the Sydney region during the year scroll down this page or click on the links below:


Water rights and use

Coastline near Gerringong, Sydney region (Bureau of Meteorology © Merryn Coutts)


Surface water rights

Graph of surface water allocations for water management areas in the region
Figure S9 Surface water allocations for water management areas in the region


  • Most of the region's surface water allocations were for water sourced from the Upper Nepean and Upper Warragamba, and the Shoalhaven River water source areas.
  • 48% of the allocated surface water was used. Most of the surface water diverted was for urban system supply.


Graph of surface water allocations and diversions in the Sydney region for the years ending 30 June, from 2012–2019
Figure S10 Surface water allocations and diversions in the Sydney region for the years ending 30 June, from 2012–2019


  • Surface water allocations for individual users and the urban water system remained unchanged from the previous year. These allocations generally change little from year to year.
  • Allocated diversion to the urban water system was less than last year when the region experienced very dry conditions resulting in a relatively high water demand from customers. Diversions this year were similar to the volume diverted the previous year in 2016–17.
  • Actual diversion to individual users were similar to last year.


Groundwater rights

Graph of groundwater allocations for water management areas in the region
Figure S11 Groundwater allocations for water management areas in the region


  • More than half of the region's groundwater allocations were for water sourced from the Sydney Basin: Nepean Sandstone and Sydney Basin: Richmond Sandstone groundwater management units.
  • 4% of the allocated groundwater was used. Most of the groundwater extracted was for irrigation or industrial purposes.


Water restrictions


  • Sydney Water Corporation introduced temporary Level 1 restrictions in June 2019, which govern how water can be used on gardens and lawns and for pool filling, car washing, and cleaning.
  • For more information, refer to the Bureau of Meteorology's Water Restrictions website.


Cultural and environmental water

Wingecarribee Reservoir, Sydney region (istock © Phillip Minnis)


Cultural benefit

  • Cultural water values within the region are closely aligned with environmental water outcomes.
  • More information on cultural water requirements are provided in the Cultural water management section in the 'Region description'.


Environmental benefit

  • Provisions to protect the environmental values of water systems are defined in the region's water sharing plans.
  • Each year, environmental flow releases are made at various river locations across the region.


Map showing surface water environmental flow releases in 2018–19
Figure S12 Surface water environmental flow releases in 2018–19


  • In 2018–19, environmental flow releases were made at 11 river locations throughout the region. The total volume released was 104,231 ML.
  • Due to persistent dry conditions since January 2017, the total volume released over the last two years has been relatively low compared to previous years.
  • The largest environmental release, representing almost two thirds of the total, occurred in the Shoalhaven River below Tallowa Dam (Lake Yarrunga).