National Water Account 2020

Ord: Key findings

For the water account period 1 July 2019–30 June 2020

  • Below-average wet season rainfall resulted in very low inflows into Lake Argyle.
  • Storage volumes at 30 June 2020 were 40% full, the lowest end-of-year level in almost 30 years.
  • Total water use was 315 GL, similar to last year.

Climate and water


Rainfall icon

557 mm

below the average of 683 mm


Streamflow icon

below average

for entire wet season


Storage icon

40% full


25% less than last year

Water use

Water sourced

Graph showing breakdown of water sources used in the Ord region. A total of 313,091 ML of water was used in the region in 2019–20. Surface water made up 98% of total water use; groundwater made up 2% of the use.

Water supplied

Graph showing breakdown of water users in the Ord region. A total of 313,091 ML of water was supplied to users in 2019–20. 86% of total water supply was for the irrigation scheme; 13% was for individual users; and 1% was for the urban system.

Water status


459 GL

total surface water and groundwater allocations

Water assets

4,400 GL

water assets at 30 June 2020

1,440 GL less than last year



in storage expected during the 2020–21 year