Bureau Home » Water Information » National Water Account » 2021 Account » Ord » Water Accounting Statements » Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities

Ord: Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities

for the year ended 30 June 2021

  • The volume of water in the region's storages increased during 2020–21 for the first time in four years.
  • This increase represents the change in water volume in the region's surface water storages.

Schematic representation of the Ord region. Total water inflows during 2020–21 was5,796 GL. Total water outflows was 5,944 GL. Water storage at 30 June 2021 was 3,851 GL more than the previous year.

The Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities is provided in the table below. The statement presents the actual water flows associated with the region's water stores, as well as the changes in water assets and water liabilities that occurred during the year.



Select comparative year


  2021 ML 2020 ML 2019 ML 2018 ML 2017 ML 2016 ML
Water inflows
Surface water inflows 5,789,011 2,859,984 2,483,169 4,248,765 28,297,292 4,306,338
Precipitation 587,709 418,680 426,123 568,159 1,534,441 647,542
Runoff 5,125,430 2,388,076 2,005,254 3,620,039 26,318,600 3,607,211
Point return: irrigation 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000
Flood return 24,287 1,643 207 8,982 392,666
Discharge: wastewater 585 585 585 585 585 585
Groundwater inflows 7,185 6,628 6,202 6,637 7,579 8,572
Inter-region inflow
Recharge: landscape 7,185 6,628 6,202 6,637 7,579 8,572
Total water inflows 5,796,196 2,866,612 2,489,371 4,255,402 28,304,871 4,314,910
Water outflows
Surface water outflows 5,936,428 5,628,156 5,169,242 6,131,454 20,099,576 5,215,433
Evaporation 1,507,254 1,558,009 1,995,642 2,266,879 2,310,797 2,055,633
Outflow 4,083,419 3,752,153 2,864,944 3,606,753 16,921,169 2,953,593
Leakage: landscape 80 80 80 80 80 80
Overbank flow 74,226 9,176 1,687 31,250 682,226
River loss
Allocated diversion: individual users 23,955 28,208 35,240 32,301 32,335 29,394
Allocated diversion: urban system 425 425 425 425 406 433
Allocated diversion: irrigation scheme 247,069 280,105 271,224 *193,766 *152,563 *176,300
Groundwater outflows 7,185 6,628 6,202 6,637 7,579 8,572
Inter-region outflow
Discharge: landscape
Allocated extraction: individual users 5,407 4,850 4,424 4,859 5,819 6,740
Allocated extraction: urban system 1,778 1,778 1,778 1,778 1,760 1,832
Total water outflows 5,943,613 5,634,784 5,175,444 *6,138,091 *20,107,155 *5,224,005
Unaccounted-for difference 3,998,149 1,327,601 (463,451) *(959,875) *(4,438,104) *(961,111)
Change in water storage            
Change in surface water storage 3,850,732 (1,440,571) (3,149,524) (2,842,564) 3,759,612 (1,870,206)
Change in groundwater storage 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total change in water storage 3,850,732 (1,440,571) (3,149,524) (2,842,564) 3,759,612 (1,870,206)
Closing water storage 8,250,449 4,399,717 5,840,288 8,989,812 11,832,376 8,072,764
Change in water liability
Surface water liability 14,385 57,620 (67,768) (29,675) 19,288 19,686
Allocation remaining: individual users (2) 0 (140) (14) (3,844) (6,460)
Allocation remaining: urban system 0 0 0 0 0 0
Allocation remaining: irrigation scheme 14,387 57,620 (67,628) *(29,661) *23,132 *26,146
Groundwater liability 0 0 0 (1) (48) 12
Allocation remaining: individual users 0 0 0 (1) (48) 12
Allocation remaining: urban system 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total change in water liability 14,385 57,620 (67,768) *(29,676) *19,240 *19,698
Net change in water assets 3,836,347 (1,498,191) (3,081,756) *(2,812,888) *3,740,372 *(1,889,904)


* different to published volume in historical accounts (see Governance for more information)

Note: quantification approaches used to derive each item volume are provided in the Methods