Burdekin: Future outlook

Future prospects
This section looks forward 12 months and considers what water assets, claims and commitments might affect the region's water resources.
Table N24 shows that at 30 June 2015 there was a surplus of available water assets over water liabilities and future commitments expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date.
Volume ML | |
total water assets as at 30 June 2015 | 1,479,551 |
less water assets not available to be accessed, taken, or delivered: | |
dead storage | (10,534) |
less total water liabilities as at 30 June 2015 | (53,654) |
Subtotal | 1,361,709 |
less future commitments expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date: | |
expected diversion of surface water | (700,000) |
expected extraction of groundwater | (90,000) |
Surplus/deficit of available water assets over water liabilities and future commitments expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date | 571,709 |
add expected net inflows within 12 months of the reporting date: | |
net precipitation/storage inflow | 480,000 |
Surplus/deficit of available water assets and expected future inflows over water liabilities and future commitments expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date | 1,051,223 |
The expected diversions and extractions are based on abstractions made during the 2014–15 year; however, it is likely that there will be more dependence on groundwater resources as surface water storages continue to decrease in response to drier wet seasons and reduced streamflow. For more detailed information about future water and climate predictions, including seasonal streamflow forecasts and short video summaries, please see Climate outlook on the Bureau of Meteorology website.
Contingent water assets
The Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines sets extraction limits on groundwater aquifers to protect groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Only water above the prescribed minimum water table level is recognised as a water asset in the account. The volume of water that is beyond this extraction limit is considered a contingent water asset for aquifers in the region; however, similar to the recognition of groundwater assets, there is currently not enough information available regarding groundwater resources in the Burdekin region to allow for a volumetric estimate.
Contingent water liabilities
There are no contingent water liabilities in the region.