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National Water Account 2015

Burdekin: Water resources and systems

Spillway at the Burdekin Falls Dam, North Queensland © CSIRO


The following set of notes provides water accounting statements for each of the water stores and systems within the Burdekin region during the 2014–15 year. Information on all water flows to and from each water store and system are presented in this note, including between-store flows and transfers that are not presented in the consolidated water accounting statements (which are shown in italics).

For more information about the region, please refer to the General description section of the 'Contextual information'. For more information on between-store flows and transfers that occur in the region, please refer to the Supporting information note.


Surface water

Statement of surface water assets and surface water liabilities

The Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities presents the volume of water assets and water liabilities at the start and end of the reporting year.

Surface water assets of the region include physical water assets (e.g., storages and rivers) and rights or claims to water. Surface water liabilities include commitments to deliver water to users at the end of the year. The closing net water assets are the volume of surface water assets in the region minus the surface water liabilities at the end of the reporting year (Figure N10).


Figure N10 Surface water assets and surface water liabilities for the Burdekin region at 30 June 2015

Figure N10 Surface water assets and surface water liabilities for the Burdekin region at 30 June 2015


Details on the region's surface water assets and surface water liabilities for the 2014–15 year are also provided in Table N16.


Table N16 Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities as at 30 June 2015 for the surface water store
Water assets  
Unregulated river –
Regulated river –
Lakes and wetlands –
Total surface water assets 1,479,5512,003,189
Water liabilities 53,65492,202
Allocation remaining: individual users 53,65492,202
Allocation remaining: urban system
 0 0
Allocation remaining: irrigation
 0 0
Total water liabilities53,65492,202
Opening net water assets 1,910,9872,003,839
Change in net water assets (485,090)(92,852)
Closing net water assets 1,425,8971,910,987


Statement of changes in surface water assets and surface water liabilities

The Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities presents the changes in water assets and water liabilities that occurred during the reporting year.

This statement is prepared on an accrual basis. Figure N11 shows the transactions that changed the surface water assets and surface water liabilities of the region, including:

  • accrual (non-physical) transactions, indicated by the glass-of-water symbols
  • actual water flows (both natural and engineered), indicated by the arrows.


Figure N11 Changes in surface water assets and surface water liabilities for the Burdekin region during the 2014–15 year

Figure N11 Changes in surface water assets and surface water liabilities for the Burdekin region during the 2014–15 year


Details on the changes in surface water assets and surface water liabilities for the 2014–15 year are also provided in Table N17.


Table N17 Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities for the year ended 30 June 2015 for the surface water store
Water asset increases  
Runoff 1,639,9233,510,350
Point return: irrigation –
Discharge: urban supply –
Discharge: groundwater –
Total water asset increases 1,730,6033,598,141
Water liability decreases  
Adjustment and forfeiture: individual users353,34454,740
Adjustment and forfeiture: urban system 10,36110,681
Adjustment and forfeiture: irrigation (25,439)94,567
Total water liability decreases 338,266159,988
Water asset decreases  
Evaporation 504,892310,309
Outflow 1,007,1961,862,192
Recharge: groundwater –
River and floodplain losses  –
Leakage: landscape –
Non-allocated diversion: individual users115,33692,117
Transfer inter-region00
Total water asset decreases 1,627,4242,264,618
Water liability increases  
Allocation: individual users464,916468,730
Allocation: urban system12,31812,335
Allocation: irrigation641,286637,457
Total water liability increases 1,118,5201,118,522
Balancing item—surface water191,985(467,841)
Change in net water assets(485,090)(92,852)


Statement of surface water flows

The Statement of Water Flows presents the actual water inflows and outflows associated with the water stores of the region that occurred during the reporting year.

Figure N12 shows the actual surface water flows, including flows corresponding to the accrual transactions shown in Figure N11 above.


Figure N12 Surface water flows for the Burdekin region during the 2014-15 year

Figure N12 Surface water flows for the Burdekin region during the 2014-15 year


Details on the surface water flows for the 2014–15 year are also provided in Table N18.


Table N18 Statement of Water Flows for the year ended 30 June 2015 for the surface water store
Water inflows  
Point return: irrigation
Discharge: urban supply
Discharge: groundwater
Total water inflows 1,730,6033,598,141
Water outflows  
River and floodplain losses
Recharge: groundwater
Leakage: landscape
Non-allocated diversion: individual users 115,33692,117
Allocated diversion: individual users 150,120321,788
Allocated diversion: urban system 1,9571,654
Allocated diversion: irrigation666,725542,890
Transfer inter-region00
Total water outflows2,446,2263,130,950
Balancing item—surface water 191,985(467,841)
Opening water storage 2,003,1892,003,839
Change in water storage (523,638)(650)
Closing water storage 1,479,5512,003,189



Statement of groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities

The Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities presents the volume of water assets and water liabilities at the start and end of the reporting year.

Groundwater assets of the region include physical water assets (e.g., water table aquifer and underlying aquifers) and rights or claims to water. Groundwater liabilities include commitments to deliver water to users at the end of the year. The closing net water assets are the volume of groundwater assets in the region minus the groundwater liabilities at the end of the reporting year (Figure N13).


Figure N13 Groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities for the Burdekin region at June 2015

Figure N13 Groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities for the Burdekin region at June 2015


Details on the region's groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities for the 2014–15 year are also provided in Table N19.


Table N19 Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities as at 30 June 2015 for the groundwater store
Water assets  
Water table aquifer
Underlying aquifers
Total water assets
Water liabilities  
Allocation remaining: individual users00
Total water liabilities  
Opening net water assets(–)(–)
Change in net water assets 0 0
Closing net water assets(–)(–)


Statement of changes in groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities

The Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities presents the changes in water assets and water liabilities that occurred during the reporting year.

This statement is prepared on an accrual basis. Figure N14 shows the transactions that changed the groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities of the region, including:

  • accrual (non-physical) transactions, indicated by the glass-of-water symbols
  • actual water flows (both natural and engineered), indicated by the arrows.


Figure N14 Changes in groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities for the Burdekin region during the 2014–15 year

Figure N14 Changes in groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities for the Burdekin region during the 2014–15 year


Details on the changes in groundwater assets and groundwater liabilities for the 2014–15 year are also provided in Table N20


Table N20 Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities for the year ended 30 June 2015 for the groundwater store
Water asset increases  
Inter-region inflow
Inter-region coastal inflow
Recharge: landscape
Recharge: surface water
Managed aquifer recharge: individual users 81,67334,275
Discharge: urban supply
Leakage: irrigation
Total water asset increases 81,67334,275
Water liability decreases  
Adjustment and forfeiture: individual users 38,5915,000
Total water liability decreases 38,5915,000
Water asset decreases  
Inter-region outflow
Inter-region coastal outflow
Discharge: landscape
Discharge: surface water
Non-allocated extraction: individual users37,01035,072
Total water asset decreases37,01035,072
Water liability increases  
Allocation: individual users56,44110,000
Total water liability increases56,44110,000
Balancing item—groundwater(26,813)5,797
Change in net water assets00


Statement of groundwater flows

The Statement of Water Flows presents the actual water inflows and outflows associated with the water stores of the region that occurred during the reporting year.

Figure N15 shows the actual groundwater flows, including flows corresponding to the accrual transactions shown in Figure N14 above.


Figure N15 Groundwater flows for the Burdekin region during the 2014–15 year

Figure N15 Groundwater flows for the Burdekin region during the 2014–15 year


Details on the groundwater flows for the 2014–15 year are also provided in Table N21.


Table N21 Statement of Water Flows for the year ended 30 June 2015 for the groundwater store
Water inflows  
Inter-region inflow
Inter-region coastal inflow
Recharge: landscape
Recharge: surface water
Managed aquifer recharge:individual users81,67334,275
Discharge: urban supply
Leakage: irrigation
Total water inflows81,67334,275
Water outflows  
Inter-region outflow
Inter-region coastal outflow
Discharge: landscape
Discharge: surface water
Non-allocated extraction: individual users37,01035,072
Allocated extraction: individual users17,8505,000
Total water outflows54,86040,072
Balancing item—groundwater(26,813)5,797
Opening water storage
Change in water storage00
Closing water storage