National Water Account 2015

Burdekin: Reconciliations

Spillway at the Burdekin Falls Dam, North Queensland © CSIRO


The following reconciliation tables verify:

  • how the region’s closing water storage in the Statement of Water Flows reconciles to the total water assets reported in the Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities
  • how the region’s change in water storage in the Statement of Water Flows reconciles to the change in net water assets reported in the Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities.


Closing water storage to total water assets


Table N14 Reconciliation of closing water storage to total water assets for the Burdekin region
Closing water storages presented in the Statement of Water Flows1,479,5512,003,189
Surface water  
Unregulated river
Regulated river--
Lakes and wetlands
Water table aquifer
Underlying aquifers
Total water storage as presented in the
Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities
add Other water assets00
Total water assets1,479,5512,003,189


Net change in water storage to the change in net water assets

Table N15 Reconciliation of the net change in water storage to the change in net water assets for the Burdekin region
Change in net water assets(485,090)(92,852)
adjustments for:  
Change in non-physical water assets00
Change in water liabilities  
Surface water liability  
Allocation remaining: individual users(38,548)92,202
Allocation remaining: urban system00
Allocation remaining: irrigation scheme00
Groundwater liability  
Allocation remaining: individual users00
Total change in water liabilities00
Net change in water storage (523,638)(650)