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National Water Account 2017

Sydney: Statement of Water Flows

The volume of water in the region's storages at 30 June 2017 was 2,691,029 ML, a decrease of 130,526 ML from the start of the 2016–17 year. This decrease represents the change in water volume in the region's surface water storages. This is the region's first annual decrease in three years.




The Statement of Water Flows is provided below and presents the actual water flows associated with the region's water stores during the year, including flows corresponding to the accrual transactions shown in the Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities.


  2017 ML 2016 ML
Water inflows
Surface water inflows 4,576,979 5,053,939
Precipitation 173,155 139,962
Runoff 4,357,364 4,909,529
Discharge: user 828 0
Delivery: inter-region agreement 3,712 4,448
Flood return 41,920
Urban water system inflows 562,042 547,783
Wastewater collected 562,042 547,783
Delivery: desalinated water 0 0
Total water inflows 5,139,021 5,601,722
Water outflows
Surface water outflows 4,394,233 4,239,521
Evaporation 189,060 150,271
Outflow 3,888,675 4,036,219
Diversion: statutory rights 32,257 32,530
Overbank flow 265,696
Allocated diversion: individual users 18,545 20,501
Urban water system outflows 1,039,878 1,016,562
Leakage: groundwater 41,670 37,665
Supply system delivery: urban users 502,178 491,281
Recycled water delivery: urban users 13,596 17,502
Discharge: sea 456,190 432,491
Other supply system decreases 11,076 10,113
Discharge: landscape 94 0
Other wastewater and recycled water system decreases 15,074 27,510
Total water outflows 5,434,111 5,256,083
Unaccounted-for difference 164,564 (189,050)
Opening water storage 2,821,555 2,664,966
Change in water storage (130,526) 156,589
Closing water storage 2,691,029 2,821,555