Water asset accounts

Information presented in the water asset accounts

In this section water assets are presented using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) framework. These water asset accounts present information, in physical units (e.g. ML), on the stocks (assets) of water resources at the beginning and end of an accounting period, as well as details on the increases and decreases in stocks. They present various water resource types (e.g. reservoirs, lakes, rivers, groundwater) as well as the water inflows (e.g. from upstream sources) and outflows (e.g. to other resources in the region) to each.


Comparison to water accounting statements

These accounts present similar information to the Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities and the Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities in the previous sections, albeit in a slightly different presentation. Note that the opening and closing stocks in these tables are aligned with those in the statements, and the increases and decreases are aligned with the inflows and outflows in the statement changes. The main difference between these SEEA-style tables and the statements is that increases and decreases in surface water stocks are further disaggregated (by reservoirs, lakes and rivers – e.g. Table S2). Another key difference is that all inflows and outflows between individual water assets/resources are presented in the SEEA-style tables; for example, flows into and out of each major reservoir are included. Minor differences in volumes of up to 1 ML between the water accounting statements and the water asset accounts may be present due to rounding.


Access to asset account tables

For the full asset account tables in spreadsheet format, please see the Downloads section of the publication on the ABS webpage. Summarised versions of the tables are shown below.


Key to water asset account tables

 null by definition
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
na not available
ML megalitres
Any discrepancies between totals and sums of components in this publication are due to rounding.
(a) Includes Bendora, Corin, Cotter and Googong reservoirs
(b) Includes Lake Burley Griffin, Lake Ginninderra, Lake Tuggeranong


Table S1 Water asset account for 2016-17 (ML)
 Total Surface waterGroundwaterUrban water systemTotal Canberra region
Opening Stocks280,711na966281,677
 Increases in stocks1,880,7134,07990,7791,975,571
 Returns from the economy36,9714,07940,82181,871
 Precipitation21,041 -21,041
 Flood return2,190  2,190
 Runoff682,897  682,897
  from upstream territories262,309na-262,309
  from other resources in the territory875,305na49,958925,263
 Decreases in stocks1,831,3801,25487,7311,920,364
 Abstraction/Diversions52,7661,254 54,020
 Evaporation31,083 na31,083
 Overbank flow53,617  53,617
  to downstream territories818,608na0818,608
  to other resources in the territory875,305na87,731963,036
 Other changes in volume-51,042-2,825-3,048-56,915
 Net change-1,709na--1,709
Closing Stocks279,002na966279,968


Table S2 Water asset account breakdown for surface water for 2016-17 (ML)
 Reservoirs (a)Lakes (b)RiversSubtotal surface water
Opening Stocks235,97139,3245,416280,711
 Increases in stocks347,995196,5731,336,1441,880,713
 Returns from the economy--36,97136,971
 Flood return--2,1902,190
  from upstream territories  262,309262,309
  from other resources in the territory244,058169,224462,023875,305
 Decreases in stocks341,723195,0091,294,6481,831,380
 Overbank flow--53,61753,617
  to downstream territories  818,608818,608
  to other resources in the territory276,535185,488413,282875,305
 Other changes in volume-3,343-1,719-45,980-51,042
 Net change2,929-154-4,484-1,709
Closing Stocks238,90039,170932279,002


Table S3 Water asset account for 2015-16 (ML)
 Total Surface waterGroundwaterUrban water systemTotal Canberra region
Opening Stocks267,508na966268,474
 Increases in stocks1,746,8084,45489,0491,840,311
 Returns from the economy34,0474,45438,64677,147
Precipitation22,872 -22,872
Flood return1,603  1,603
 Runoff561,041  561,041
  from upstream territories409,510na-409,510
  from other resources in the territory717,734na50,403768,137
 Decreases in stocks1,614,1111,27685,5581,700,945
 Abstraction/Diversions52,9521,276 54,228
 Evaporation32,404 na32,404
 Overbank flow37,517  37,517
  to downstream territories773,504na773,504
  to other resources in the territory717,734na85,558803,292
 Other changes in volume-119,494-3,178-3,491-126,163
 Net change13,203na-13,203
Closing Stocks280,711na966281,677


Table S4 Water asset account breakdown for surface water for 2015-16 (ML)
 Reservoirs (a)Lakes (b)RiversSubtotal surface water
Opening Stocks225,74139,1382,629267,508
 Increases in stocks287,735171,1681,287,9061,746,808
 Returns from the economy--34,04734,047
 Flood return--1,6031,603
  from upstream territories  409,510409,510
  from other resources in the territory218,069155,733343,932717,734
 Decreases in stocks248,195170,9821,194,9341,614,111
 Overbank flow--37,51737,517
  to downstream territories  773,504773,504
  to other resources in the territory182,880161,052373,802717,734
 Other changes in volume-29,3090-90,184-119,494
 Net change10,2301862,78713,203
Closing Stocks235,97139,3245,416280,711


Table S5 Water asset account for 2014-15 (ML)
 Total Surface waterGroundwaterUrban water systemTotal Canberra region
Opening Stocks264,059na900264,959
 Increases in stocks1,491,4282,92084,4001,578,748
 Returns from the economy33,0312,92037,28573,236
 Precipitation21,790 -21,790
 Flood return1,760  1,760
 Runoff483,366  483,366
  from upstream territories350,969na-350,969
  from other resources in the territory600,511na47,115647,626
 Decreases in stocks1,337,5031,06180,1781,418,742
 Abstraction/Diversions48,7681,061 49,829
 Evaporation31,615 na31,615
 Overbank flow41,823  41,823
  to downstream territories614,786na614,786
  to other resources in the territory600,511na80,178680,690
 Other changes in volume-150,476-1,859-4,156-156,491
 Net change3,449na663,515
Closing Stocks267,508na966268,474


Table S6 Water asset account breakdown for surface water for 2014-15 (ML)
 Reservoirs (a)Lakes (b)RiversSubtotal surface water
Opening Stocks219,64238,7425,675264,059
 Increases in stocks251,922133,9431,105,5621,491,428
 Returns from the economy--33,03133,031
 Flood return--1,7601,760
  from upstream territories  350,969350,969
  from other resources in the territory196,555118,035285,921600,511
 Decreases in stocks223,871133,547980,0841,337,503
 Overbank flow--41,82341,823
  to downstream territories  614,786614,786
  to other resources in the territory161,897124,024314,590600,511
 Other changes in volume-21,952--128,524-150,476
 Net change6,099396-3,0463,449
Closing Stocks225,74139,1382,629267,508


Table S7 Water asset account for 2013-14 (ML)
 Total Surface waterGroundwaterUrban water systemTotal Canberra region
Opening Stocks219,591na955220,546
 Increases in stocks1,300,1362,08185,3771,387,594
 Returns from the economy32,5932,08136,68271,356
 Precipitation21,662 -21,662
 Flood return1,890  1,890
 Runoff486,042  486,042
  from upstream territories198,586na-198,586
  from other resources in the territory559,363na48,695608,058
 Decreases in stocks1,155,64889481,8261,238,369
 Abstraction/Diversions49,851894 50,746
 Evaporation32,147 na32,147
 Overbank flow45,380  45,380
  to downstream territories468,908na468,908
  to other resources in the territory559,363na81,826641,189
 Other changes in volume-100,020-1,187-3,606-104,812
 Net change44,468na-5544,413
Closing Stocks264,059na900264,959


Table S8 Water asset account breakdown for surface water for 2013-14 (ML)
 Reservoirs (a)Lakes (b)RiversSubtotal surface water
Opening Stocks181,29734,6313,663219,591
 Increases in stocks257,274136,614906,2471,300,136
 Returns from the economy--32,59332,593
 Flood return--1,8901,890
  from upstream territories  198,586198,586
  from other resources in the territory192,485103,179263,699559,363
 Decreases in stocks205,302132,277818,0691,155,648
 Overbank flow--45,38045,380
  to downstream territories  468,908468,908
  to other resources in the territory141,613122,086295,663559,363
 Other changes in volume-13,627-226-86,167-100,020
 Net change38,3454,1112,01244,468
Closing Stocks219,64238,7425,675264,059