Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities

  • Water availability in the region increased from 2013–14 to 2016–17, reaching a peak in 2015–16.
  • Water availability is represented by the net water assets, which are the volume of water assets minus the water liabilities.


The Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities is prepared according to the Australian Water Accounting Standard 1 and is like a balance sheet. It presents the volume of water assets and water liabilities at the start and end of the reporting year.

Water assets in the integrated water accounts for the Canberra region include water (physical water assets) and rights or claims to water (non-physical water assets). Water liabilities in the integrated accounts include commitments to deliver water to users.


 2017 ML2016 ML2015 ML2014 ML2013 ML
Water assets279,968281,677268,474264,959220,546
Surface water279,002280,711267,508264,059219,591
Lakes and wetlands39,17039,32439,13838,74234,631
Water table aquifer
Underlying aquifers
Urban water system966966966900955
Urban storages966966966900955
Wastewater storages
Claim on surface water for urban use
Water liabilities00000
Surface water liability00000
Allocation remaining: individual users00000
Allocation remaining: urban system00000
Groundwater liability00000
Allocation remaining: individual users00000
Opening net water assets281,677268,474264,959220,546 
Change in net water assets(1,709)13,2033,51544,413 
Closing net water assets279,968281,677268,474264,959220,546