Our Projects

Research and development supporting multi-week and seasonal forecasts

Research and development supporting aviation weather

Atmospheric high-resolution regional reanalysis for Australia
Regional reanalysis covering the Australian continent, and the surrounding region including parts of southeast Asia, New Zealand, and south to the ice edge of the Antarctic continent.

Climate Change in Australia (CCiA) - the NRM project
Providing climate change projections for Australia based on the most recent set of internationally co-ordinated modelling experiments (CMIP5).

Climate and Weather Science Virtual Laboratory
Providing a national platform for researchers and government agencies to simulate, analyse and predict climate and weather phenomena.

Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) data processing and analysis
Providing information, guidelines and links about the local replica of CMIP3 and CMIP5 (and soon CMIP6) data.

El Niño Indices
Indices for different types of El Niño for the period 1854 to present

Evidence Targeted Automation (ETA)
The ETA project is developing an automated forecast system, with evidence to inform its use, ensuring that quality weather forecasts are provided in an efficient manner with an optimal mix of human and automated processes.

Forewarned is Forearmed (FWFA): managing the impacts of extreme climate events
Understanding, improving and developing forecasts of climate extremes on multi-week to seasonal timescales for the agricultural sector.

High Ice Water Content Project (HIWC)
Conducting aircraft research to characterize ice crystal icing microphysics and contribute to updating the civil aviation regulations.

Impact Forecasting
A pilot project to predict the impacts of East Coast Lows on the built environment.

Northern Australia Climate Program (NACP)
Understanding, improving and developing multi-week to multi-year forecasts for Northern Australia's red meat industry.

NESP Earth System and Climate Change Hub (ESCC)
ESCC Hub is a CSIRO-BOM-University driven science program funded by the Department of the Environment and Energy.

Research radar investigations of convection
Developing advanced radar post-processing techniques to better understand convective-scale processes and improve their representation in models.

Sea Ice Prediction Network South (SIPN South)
The SIPN-South Project is driven by the quest to test the ability of current prediction systems to forecast the seasonal evolution of circumpolar and regional Antarctic sea ice conditions.

Southern Ocean cloud-aerosol-radiation-precipitation interactions
Understanding cloud-aerosol-radiation-precipitation interactions over the Southern Ocean to improve climate models and future climate predictions.

The Victorian Climate Initiative (VicCI)
The Victorian Climate Initiative (VicCI) was a regional climate initiative launched in May 2013 by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO.