Hydrologic Reference Stations
References and Papers
- Australian Bureau of Meteorology (2015). Hydrologic Reference Stations data update 2015,
- Australian Bureau of Meteorology (2020). Hydrologic Reference Stations update 2020,
- Australian Bureau of Meteorology (2015). Streamflow quality codes for Hydrologic Reference Stations,
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- Turner, M., Bari M., Amirthanathan G. and Ahmad Z., (2012). Australian network of hydrologic reference stations - advances in design, development and implementation. Institution of Engineers Australia, 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: 1555-1564 | (HTML)
- Zhang, S.X., Bari, M., Amirthanathan, G., Kent, D., MacDonald, A., Shin, D., (2014). Hydrologic Reference Stations to Monitor Climate-Driven Streamflow Variability and Trends. In: Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2014. Barton, ACT: Engineers Australia, 2014: 1048-1055.
- Zhang, S.X., Amirthanathan, G. E., Bari, M. A., Laugesen, R. M., Shin, D., Kent D. M., MacDonald, A. M., Turner, M. E and Tuteja, N. K. (2016). How streamflow has changed across Australia since the 1950s: Evidence from the network of hydrologic reference stations. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3947-3965, www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/20/3947/2016/ DOI:10.5194/hess-20-3947-2016.
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- Zhang, Y.Q., Viney, N., Frost, A., Oke, A., Brooks, M., Chen, Y., and Campbell, N. (2013). Collation of Australian modeller's streamflow dataset for 780 unregulated Australian catchments. CSIRO: 2013. DOI:10.4225/08/58b5baad4fcc2.