21.4 Increase of inter–region commitment on surface water

Supporting information

The volume presented (3,040 ML) represents the volume of water effectively allocated under the Tarago River – Gippsland Water bulk entitlement. Although a volumetric limit is specified for this bulk entitlement (refer to line item 5.4 Inter–region commitment on surface water), formal annual allocations are not made. Therefore, the volume of water allocated is equivalent to the volume of water diverted from the Tarago – Westernport Pipeline, Tarago Reservoir and Pederson Weir. For more information refer to line item 17.14 Surface water transfer under inter–region commitment.

Comparative year

In the 2011 Account, the Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau) reported the volume of water allocated under the Tarago River – Gippsland Water bulk entitlement as equivalent to the volume of water diverted from the Tarago – Westernport Pipeline and Tarago Reservoir. The volume reported omitted water diverted from the Tarago River at Pederson Weir.

In the 2012 Account, the Bureau have corrected this omission and reported all surface water diversions under the Tarago River – Gippsland Water bulk entitlement and therefore all surface water allocated under the bulk entitlement. Consequently, the volume has been restated from 235 ML (as published in the 2011 Account) to 3,168 ML.