
National Performance Report Handbook

Water and wastewater service providers report annually to the Bureau on a range of performance indicators related to the status of water for cities and some towns. The following resources are provided to support the service providers in collecting and reporting data to the Bureau, including changes being implemented.

Changes to the reporting framework have been developed with input from a review and in consultation with State/Territory agencies. This has resulted in a revised set of performance indicators which are more helpful in assessing the performance of water and wastewater service providers.

Water Information Statement of Ambition 2023-28

In accordance with its responsibilities under the Water Act, the Bureau collects, manages, interprets, and shares Australia's water data. It provides government, industry, and the community with trusted and reliable water information.

This statement outlines the vision and priorities that will inform the direction of the Bureau's water information functions over the period from 2023 to 2028.

Water Information Statement of Ambition 2023-28

Water markets data standards consultation summary of findings, July 2023

The Australian Government released the Water Market Reform: Final Roadmap Report (the Roadmap) in October 2022. Recommendation 10 of the Roadmap gives responsibility for The Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau) to develop and implement a data and systems framework. The framework will give water users access to the water market information they need. It includes:

  • a new Water Market Hub – a digital platform for national water data management
  • a new Water Markets Website – allowing farmers to access live water market updates for the first time
  • a new Water Markets Data Standard (WMDS) – guaranteeing transparency and enforceability of data being provided to the Bureau.

In March 2023, the Bureau commenced consultation with organisations which will be affected by the introduction of the WMDS. We spoke with 15 representative stakeholder organisations in the Murray–Darling Basin. These included Basin state water agencies, Irrigation Infrastructure Operators and water market intermediaries.

This report summarises stakeholder feedback provided to the Bureau in the WMDS consultation workshops.

Good Practice Guidelines for Water Data Management Policy

The Guidelines were prepared under the World Water Data Initiative, on behalf of the United Nations and World Bank High Level Panel on Water.

They are part of global endeavours to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 6: ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

They are intended to be used by officers responsible for formulating and implementing government strategy to improve water information, with the aim of advancing water policy, planning, management and operations.

Past publications

Information Sheets

Information Sheets

enGauge Newsletter

enGauge cover

Case Studies

Modernisation and Extension Funding Program case studies cover

Reports and Reviews

Modernisation and Extension Funding Program case studies cover
Modernisation and Extension Funding Program case studies cover

Modernisation and Extension Funding Program

Providing Water Information to the Commonwealth (Interagency Working Group report)

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