22.1 Groundwater allocation announcements

Supporting information

The volume presented in the water accounting statements (41,526 ML) represents groundwater allocations for licensed entitlements and stock and domestic entitlements in groundwater management units in the Melbourne region during the 2011–12 year:

  • Groundwater allocations for licensed entitlements were equal to the sum of licensed entitlement volumes held in groundwater management units in the Melbourne region during the 2010–12 year.
  • Groundwater allocations for stock and domestic entitlements were equal to the sum of stock and domestic entitlement volumes held in groundwater management units in the Melbourne region during the 2011–12 year.
The volume reported does not include urban groundwater allocations for licensed entitlements.

The following table shows the breakdown of groundwater allocations for groundwater management units in the Melbourne region during the 2011–12 year.

Groundwater allocation announcements
Groundwater management unit Licensed allocation (ML) No. licences Stock and domestic allocation (ML) No. stock and domestic bores
Cut Paw Paw Groundwater Management Area (GMA)
515 5 78 39
Deutgam Water Supply Protection Area (WSPA)—groundwater 5,082 148 392 196
Frankston GMA 1,685 30 268 134
Koo Wee Rup WSPA— groundwater 12,217 383 2,502 1,251
Lancefield GMA 1,085 14 144 72
Merrimu GMA 440 14 34 17
Moorabbin GMA 2,617 58 758 379
Nepean GMA 1 6,110 73 4,498 2,249
Wandin Yallock WSPA— groundwater2 2,933 188 168 84
Subtotal 32,684 913 8,842 4,421
Total allocation announcements 41,526

1–2 The 2011–12 allocation exceeds the permissible consumptive volume in the Wandin Yallock and Nepean groundwater management units because dairy wash licenses were included in the groundwater licensing framework. Permissible consumptive volumes were not adjusted at the time of publication to reflect this change.

Quantification approach

Data source

Victorian Water Register.

Provided by

Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries.


Groundwater allocations in the Melbourne region were calculated using the following methods.

Groundwater allocations

Allocation announcements are equal to the licensed entitlement volumes for each groundwater management unit recorded in the Victorian Water Register.

Stock and domestic entitlements

The groundwater allocation for stock and domestic entitlements was equal to the number of stock and domestic bores in groundwater management units (recorded in the Victorian Water Register) multiplied by the 2 ML entitlement per bore.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations


Uncertainty information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

Comparative year

In the 2011 Account, it was not possible to separate urban and non-urban entitlements to groundwater. Therefore, the volume of groundwater allocated for all groundwater entitlements was reported at line item 22.1 'Groundwater allocation announcements'.

In the 2012 Account, data provided has enabled non-urban entitlements to groundwater to be reported separately in the Melbourne Account.

Consequently, the volume has been restated from 39,545 ML (as published in the 2011 Account) to 39,370 ML.

Comparative year information for line item 22.1 Groundwater allocation announcements
Groundwater management unit 2012 Account volume
at 30 June 2011 (ML)
2011 Account volume
at 30 June 2011 (ML)
Cut Paw Paw GMA 515 515
Deutgam WSPA—groundwater 4,183 4,183
Frankston GMA 1,345 1,345
Koo Wee Rup WSPA—groundwater 14,735 14,616
Lancefield GMA 1,248 1,542
Merrimu GMA 468 468
Moorabbin GMA 3,354 3,354
Nepean GMA
10,425 10,425
Wandin Yallock WSPA—groundwater 3,097 3,097
Total 39,370 39,545