21.1 Surface water allocation announcements

Supporting information

This line item refers to the total surface water allocation for all water supply in the Perth region not related to urban water systems or irrigation schemes. It includes surface water allocations to mining, industrial and agricultural sectors.

The volume recognised in the water accounting statements (25,027 ML) represents the volume of:

  • water announced for surface water allocation
  • new licences and other variations that were granted during the 2011–12 year.

The water supply licences are divided into licence entitlement purposes. The following figure shows the annual allocation announcement for each licence purpose for the 2011–12 year.

Graph of annual allocation announcement for each licence purpose for the 2011–12 year
Graph of annual allocation announcement for each licence purpose for the 2011–12 year

Quantification approach

Data source

Water Resource Licensing database and licensee meter readings.

Provided by

Department of Water.


Most of these licences are issued to licence holders for periods of generally between one and ten years, with an annual abstraction amount specified and with annual compliance arrangements in place.

The total surface water allocation announcement is assumed to equal 100% of the annual entitlement.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations


Uncertainty information

There is no uncertainty associated with this value.