11.18 Increase of urban claim on surface water
Supporting information
The volumetric value for the allocation/claim for the urban water access entitlement category is 1,038,355 ML.
This line item reflects the liability to the surface water store from the allocation/claim considered for the surface water store from the allocation/claim considered for urban water access entitlement category.
Entitlement values used to estimate allocated volume are based on information available in the Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources. As no formal allocation announcement has occurred the water allocation for the 2011–12 year was assumed to be 100% of the entitlement outlined in the water sharing plan. See Water legislation in the Contextual information for further details.
Utility type | Utility name | Diversions associated with the allocation | Allocated volume for the 2011–12 year (ML) |
Major utility (urban water) | Sydney Catchment Authority | Diversions to Sydney Water Corporation for Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area | 987,000 |
Diversions from Bendeela Pondage to Kangaroo Valley for Shoalhaven City Council | |||
Diversions from Wingecarribee Reservoir to the Wingecarribee water treatment plant for Wingecarribee Shire Council | |||
Diversions to some retail customers | |||
Major utility (urban water) | Sydney Water1 Corporation | Diversions from the Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean rivers water source | 20,075 |
Local water utility | Goulburn Mulwaree Council | Goulburn Mulwaree Council diversions to Goulburn water treatment plant from storages and divert to Marulan Water Treatment Plant from river flow. | 31,280 |
Lithgow City Council | Lithgow City Council diversions to Oakey Park water treatment plant from a storage | ||
Shoalhaven City Council | Sydney Catchment Authority diversions from Lake Yarrunga (Tallowa Dam) for pumping at Burrier for Shoalhaven City Council. | ||
Right to divert from the Kangaroo River unregulated water source and Jasper Creek | |||
Wingecarribee Shire Council | Wingecarribee Shire Council diversions to Medway and Bundanoon water treatment plant from storages | ||
Palerang City Council | Palerang City Council diversions for Braidwood water treatment plant | ||
Total | 1,038,355 |
Quantification approach
Data source
Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Unregulated River Water Sources. Entitlement data recorded in databases and water management licences for Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Lithgow City Council, Shoalhaven City Council and Wingecarribee Shire Council.
Provided by
The Bureau calculated allocation announcement/claim; New South Wales Office of Water, Shoalhaven City Council, Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Lithgow City Council and Wingecarribee Shire Council provided entitlement data.
The volumetric value for the announced allocation/claim for urban water access entitlements/arrangements in the Sydney region was estimated by mapping entitlement values stated in the water sharing plan to the relevant category of entitlements, and applying an assumed allocation 100% at the beginning of the 2011–12 year. Entitlements for the Sydney Catchment Authority (major utility) and five local water utilities (Shoalhaven City Council, Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Lithgow City Council, Palerang City Council and Wingecarribee Shire Council) were taken into account.
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
There is no process of formal allocation announcement for the entitlement holders considered in this line item. Taking into consideration the water availability at the beginning of the 2011–12 year, an allocation of 100% was assumed.
The New South Wales Office of Water records entitlements for the line item as unregulated for major utilities and local water utilities (to harvest unregulated inflow). The Bureau of Meteorology has defined these entitlements as regulated for the purposes of the 2012 Account and listed under urban category (see the note Water rights, entitlements, allocations and restrictions).
Uncertainty information
The volume was estimated. Uncertainty is ungraded.
Comparative year
In the 2011 Account, several entitlement values were incorrectly stated in 21.1 Surface water allocation announcements. These include Goulburn Mulwaree Council's entitlement for the Marulan WTP, Palerang City Council's entitlment from the Shoalhaven River and Sydney Water Corporations entitlement from the Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean rivers. As these water rights are held for the urban water store, the claim is now recognised under 11.18 Increase of urban claim on surface water and also 21.2 Surface water allocation announcements–urban water system. Consequently, the value for this line item has been restated from 1,022,865 ML to 1,043,455 ML.