17.6 Surface water diversions – other statutory rights
Supporting information
This line item provides information on water use associated with riparian and cultural basic rights. The estimated volume for the line item is 32,529 ML for 2011–12.
Detailed breakdown of diversions under these rights is given in the following table. More details about riparian right and cultural basic right are available in Water access and use.
Water source |
Estimated water use for 2011–12 (ML/year) |
Riparian right |
Cultural basic right |
Total |
Shoalhaven River |
4,855 |
0 |
4,855 |
Illawarra River |
1,460 |
0 |
1,460 |
Upper Nepean and Upstream Warragamba rivers |
7,665 |
0 |
7,665 |
Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean rivers |
9,271 |
0 |
9,271 |
Southern Sydney rivers |
4,818 |
0 |
4,818 |
Northern Sydney rivers |
4,052 |
0 |
4,052 |
Kangaroo River |
382 |
27 |
409 |
Total |
32,502 |
27 |
32,529 |
Quantification approach
Data source
Provided by
The estimated annual water abstraction under riparian right for stock and domestic purposes and for cultural purposes was extracted from Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources and the Water Sharing Plan for the Kangaroo River Water Source.
The estimation of riparian requirements for stock and domestic purposes is based on a variety of inference techniques, professional judgement, and local knowledge on water use, stocking rates, population and property shape.
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
Uncertainty information
The volume was estimated. The uncertainty in this estimate is also estimated to be +/– 30% to 50%based on professional judgment and established practice within the New South Wales Office of Water.