5.1 Surface water allocation remaining

Supporting information

The opening and closing volume recognised in the Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities represents the remaining surface water allocation calculated by the National Water Account for individuals (stock and domestic), major utilities (power generation) and other lumped entitlements at the end of the 2010–11 and the 2011–12 years respectively.

While carryover of unused surface water allocation is allowed for stock and domestic holders and other lumped holders, the carryover volume could not be quantified. Therefore, for the purposes of the National Water Account, the opening and closing balance (carryover volume) reported was 0 ML.

Volume of surface water allocation remaining at the start and end of the 2011–12 year



Opening balance (as at 30 June 2011)



21.1 Surface water allocation announcements



17.11 Surface water allocation diversion



13.1 Adjustment of surface water allocation


Closing balance (as at 30 June 2012)


Quantification approach

Data source

Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources; entitlement data recorded in databases and water access entitlements for Delta Electricity and Eraring Energy.

Provided by

Calculated opening and closing balances provided by the Bureau; Entitlement data is from the New South Wales Office of Water, Shoalhaven City Council, Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Palerang City Council and Sydney Water Corporation.


Entitlement values were mapped using volumes stated in the Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources, water management registers, and licence and trading statistics for the relevant entitlement categories. Diversion data were obtained from the relevant authorities as shown in line item 17.11. For each water management licence, the licensed water management year is from 1 July to 30 June.

Under the Water Sharing Plan, carryover of any unused allocation at the end of the year is allowed for licences issued to other lumped holders, and stock and domestic holders. The maximum volume of carryover allowed is determined by the rules in the Water Sharing Plan and the volume of water diverted under the licence. As the volume of water diverted under these licences is an estimate (refer to line item 17.11 Entitled diversion of allocated surface water to users), the carryover volume could not be quantified. Therefore, for the purposes of the National Water Account, the carryover volume (opening and closing balance as reported in 5.1 Surface water allocation remaining) was assumed to be zero.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations

  • Carryover is not quantified.
  • Diversions made under the categories of 'stock and domestic' or 'other lumped holders' are estimated.

Uncertainty information

Values associated with this line item were estimated. Estimated uncertainty is +/– 30% to 50% based on professional judgment and established practice within the New South Wales Office of Water.