9.11 Delivery of water under inter–region agreement to surface water
Supporting information
The total diversion from the Fish River Water Supply Scheme during the 2011–12 year was 4,183 ML: a breakdown by organisation is shown in the following table.
Sydney Catchment Authority, Lithgow City Council and Delta Electricity all had an inter–basin claim on the Fish River Water Supply Scheme during the 2012 Account. This line item represents the diversion made under that entitlement.
Organisation |
Diversions (ML) |
Delta Electricity |
4,141 |
Lithgow City Council |
17 |
Sydney Catchment Authority | 25 |
Total |
4,183 |
Further details of the Fish River Water Supply Scheme are provided in line item 1.5 Inter–region claim on water.
Quantification approach
Delta Electricity
Data source
Provided by
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
Uncertainty information
Lithgow City Council
Data source
Provided by
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
Uncertainty information
Sydney Catchment Authority
Data source
Provided by
Metered supply volume to Sydney Catchment Authority is based on flow measurements using a turbine helix-type flow meter.
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
Uncertainty information
Uncertainty value is based on meter accuracy at +/– 2%.
Comparative year
This line item corresponds to line item 9.11 Delivery of water under inter–region agreement reported in the 2011 Account.
In the 2010–11 year, this line item only included the Sydney Catchment Authority's diversions from the Fish River Water Supply Scheme. In the 2011–12 year, this line item also recognises Delta Electricity and Lithgow City Council diversions from the Fish River Water Supply Scheme previously reported in 11.9 Delivery of water to urban water system under inter–region agreement (5,183 ML). Consequently, the volume has been restated from 224 ML to 5,407 ML and the line item 11.9 Delivery of water to urban water system under inter–region agreement has been removed from the Sydney account.