9.4 Runoff to surface water
Supporting information
The line item (8,252,376 ML) represents the volume of runoff to surface water for the 2011–12 year. The volume calculated represents the total runoff from the landscape into the drains, rivers and storages within the Sydney region.
The following tables provide a summary and breakdown of rainfall runoff to surface water assets from the landscape in the Sydney region.
Surface water asset |
Runoff (ML) |
Storages managed by the Sydney Catchment Authority |
3,592,570 |
Storages not managed by the Sydney Catchment Authority |
238,591 |
River sections |
4,430,258 |
Subtotal |
8,261,419 |
add |
Evaporation loss in the river reaches upstream of reservoirs |
12,202 |
less |
Runoff accounted in precipitation on river reaches upstream of reservoirs |
12,069 |
less |
Runoff accounted in discharge from urban water system (see line item 9.9) | 9,176 |
Total |
8,252,376 |
Storage |
Runoff to the storage (ML) |
Cataract |
109,499 |
Cordeaux |
63,345 |
Avon |
55,681 |
Nepean |
100,441 |
Woronora |
49,386 |
Lake Burragorang (Warragamba Dam) |
1,451,815 |
Prospect |
2,141 |
Wingecarribee |
23,513 |
Fitzroy Falls |
28,760 |
Lake Yarrunga (Tallowa Dam) |
1,653,168 |
Blue Mountains1 |
5,751 |
Pheasants Nest Weir2 |
22,670 |
Broughtons Pass Weir2 |
26,400 |
Total |
3,592,570 |
1Blue Mountains storage reservoirs include Medlow Reservoir, Greaves Creek Reservoir and Upper Cascade Reservoir, Middle Cascade Reservoir and Lower Cascade Reservoir.
2 Pheasants Nest and Broughton Pass weirs divert water to water treatment plants and Prospect Reservoir.
Storage |
Managing authority |
Runoff to the storage during 2011–12 (ML) |
Danjera |
Shoalhaven City Council |
46,403 |
Flat Rock Creek |
Shoalhaven City Council |
2,821 |
Pejar |
Goulburn Mulwaree Council |
23,258 |
Sooley |
Goulburn Mulwaree Council |
14,173 |
Farmers Creek No. 2 |
Lithgow City Council |
5,772 |
Bundanoon and Medway |
Wingecarribee Shire Council |
65,809 |
Lake Lyell |
Delta Electricity |
44,211 |
Lake Wallace |
Delta Electricity |
34,402 |
Thomsons Creek Dam |
Delta Electricity |
1,742 |
Total |
238,5911 |
1 There is no runoff volume provided for Bamarang as there is no real natural catchment for this storage.
The following table shows the total volume of runoff to rivers in the Sydney region. The volume was calculated by the Bureau.
Description |
Runoff during 2011–12 (ML) |
Runoff to rivers |
2,828,303 |
Gauged flows |
1,601,9551 |
Total |
4,430,258 |
1 Volume stated for the gauged flows is the total observed data obtained from Sydney Catchment Authority. Some data was missing for the 2011-12 year. See 17.2 River outflow from the region for further details.
Quantification approach
Bureau of Meteorology
Data source
Provided by
Runoff to storages and rivers is estimated based on the Australian Water Resources Assessment system Landscape model (AWRA-L) version 2.0.0 (Van Dijk 2010) streamflow model outputs.
Using climate grid data for the Sydney region (including precipitation, temperature and solar radiation data), AWRA-L was used to estimate the runoff depth at each gridpoint within the region. Only runoff from the landscape is considered; therefore, the surface areas of the major storages and rivers were excluded from the analysis.
The landscape was divided into the catchments of the major storages within the Sydney region for the purpose of determining inflows into individual storages. The Bureau's Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric catchments were used to perform this break up. Sections of the Shoalhaven, Coxs, Wollondilly, Capertee and Macdonald river considered within the surface water store (line item 1.2) were removed from the Sydney subaccount landscape.
The average runoff depth from the landscape into the surface water store was determined as the weighted mean of the relevant gridpoints within the region boundary. Points were weighted based upon the area they represented within the reporting region to remove edge effects (where the area represented is not wholly within the reporting region) and the effect of changing area represented with changing latitude. Runoff depth was converted to a runoff volume by multiplying runoff depth by the total area of the region (excluding storages and major rivers).
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
- The estimated runoff was compared against historical flows at unimpaired catchments within the Sydney region for the 2012 Account and provided a suitable representation of the runoff for this year.
- The runoff estimates were subject to the assumptions of the AWRA-L model detailed in Van Dijk (2010).
Uncertainty information
Sydney Catchment Authority
Data source
Provided by
- Fitzroy Falls Reservoir: inflow is estimated as 4.4 times the gauged flow at Wildes Meadow (Gauge No. 215233), based on the extent of catchment area at the reservoir and the gauge.
- Wingecarribee Reservoir: inflow is estimated as 2.5 times the gauged flow at Maugers in Caalang Creek (Gauge No. 212274), based on the extent of catchment area at the reservoir and the gauge.
The level sensors at the two gauging sites have been linked to Sydney Catchment Authority's radio telemetry system. Previously, developed rating tables have been used to convert water levels to a volume.
For all other storages, mass balance calculation was used to estimate inflow to each storage. In the calculation, inflow, storage diversions, precipitation, evaporation and other known losses, and beginning and end storage volumes for each storage were balanced for 2011–12. Storage diversions, precipitation, evaporation, and beginning and end storage volumes were either measured data or calculated data (interpolations, application of rating tables) from measured data.
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
Uncertainty information
The volume is based on measured data. Estimated uncertainty based on meter accuracy, professional judgment on calculation methods and organisation practice is +/– 10%.