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National Water Account 2018


Murray–Darling Basin overview

  • Dry conditions were experienced across almost the entire region.
  • Storage volumes in the Murray–Darling Basin were 25% lower than last year.
  • Total water use was 11,374 GL, similar to last year.


Climate and water

Rainfall across the Murray–Darling Basin during July 2017–June 2018 compared with historical records (1911–2018)

Rainfall across the Murray–Darling Basin during July 2017–June 2018 compared with historical records (1911–2018)


  • Fewer than average low pressure systems and cold fronts across southeastern Australia during the year resulted in below-average annual rainfall across the region.
  • Annual rainfall in some parts of the region was the lowest on record.


Percentage-full volume at 30 June 2018 for region storages compared with the previous eight years

Percentage-full volume at 30 June 2018 for region storages compared with the previous seven years


  • Storage volumes decreased from 69% full at 30 June 2017 to 52% full at 30 June 2018.
  • Storage volumes peaked in mid-September 2017 following rainfall during the winter months and then generally declined for the remainder of the year.


Water availability

Water allocations and abstractions in the region for 2017–18

Water allocations and abstractions in the region for 2017–18


  • Total water allocation was 16,509 GL, similar to the previous year.
  • 61% of allocated water was used, compared to 52% last year.
  • The increase in allocated water use reflects the drier conditions and lower water availability across the region compared to last year.


Water sources and supply

Total water sourced in the regions for 2017–18 compared with 2016–17

Total water sourced in the region for 2017–18 compared with 2016–17


  • Total water sourced in the region was 11,374 GL, similar to the previous year.
  • Surface water made up 86% of total water supply compared to 89% last year.
  • The drop in surface water availability meant the portion of total water supply from groundwater increased from last year.


Users of water in the region for the 2017–18 year and five surface water management areas that are the highest water users

Users of water in the region for the 2017–18 year and five surface water management areas that are the highest water users


  • 81% of water supply was used for irrigation, industry and other uses.
  • 16% was used for environmental purposes, a large proportion of which occurred in the River Murray in South Australia.


Water trade

Interstate trade allocation activity (in ML) in the Murray–Darling Basin region in 2017–18

Interstate trade allocation activity (in ML) in the Murray–Darling Basin region in 2017–18


  • The Murray–Darling Basin accounts for more than 95% of surface water entitlement trade and most of the allocation trade in the National Water Account.
  • The volume of trade in surface water allocations in the region was 7,100 GL, a 7% increase from the previous year.
  • South Australia and New South Wales were net importers of allocation water, while Victoria was a net exporter. A similar trend of net allocation trade to South Australia was observed during the previous four years.